Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Manhattan Project Essays (3447 words) - Manhattan Project
Manhattan Project The Manhattan Project Envision a weapon so amazing that it could actually crush the world, a weapon that disintegrates anything living thing inside its sweep. In an exertion by the United States, which likewise included the United Kingdom and Canada, was a task to structure and fabricate the primary nuclear bomb, the venture was code named the Manhattan Project. The Manhattan Project was one of the most mysterious undertakings throughout the entire existence of the United States. It occurred during World War II and its motivation was to make a bomb by parting iotas separated. This undertaking was a triumph and made one of the most destroying bombs at any point utilized by humankind, the nuclear bomb. The president at that point, Harry S. Truman, needed to confront the numerous elements that were associated with settling on the choice to drop the bomb. In this paper I will talk about those and the occasions paving the way to The Manhattan Project. The variables in dropping the bomb can be placed into three classes: military, good and political. I will likewise go into the logical methods for growing such a weapon. Albert Einstein was living in Germany at the opportunity Hitler came into power. Albert Einstein, Edward Teller, Leo Szilard and the remainder of his partners composed a letter in August 1939 to caution the United States that Germany was exploring and creating atomic weapons. They were worried about the possibility that that once Germany wrapped up the bomb, they would utilize it on the United States. (Cayton, Perry, Winkler, 1995, pg. 786). At the point when President Franklin Delano Roosevelt got the letter, he was both stunned and terrified. He was stunned that science could make such a staggering weapon, a weapon that could pulverize a whole city. President Roosevelt at that point immediately gathered the Manhattan Project so they could construct the bomb before Germany. The Manhattan Project began in 1942 in Oak Ridge, Tennessee. The name Manhattan Project was furtively coded as a United States exertion trying to assemble a nuclear bomb during World War II. It was named after the Manhattan Engineer District of the US Army Corps of Engineers, on the grounds that the greater part of the examination was done in New York City. In Oak Ridge there were tests for isolating an uncommon Uranium-235 (U-235) an insecure isotope from Uranium-238 (U-238). General Leslie Groves was picked by President Roosevelt to lead the undertaking. Woods' significant errand was to construct the tremendous modern offices expected to isolate the modest quantities of uncommon uranium-235, uranium-238 and plutonium required for a bomb. He fabricated the offices on a detached plateau at Los Alamos, New Mexico. The undertaking utilized almost 129,000 individuals. Be that as it may, out of those couple of thousands of researchers, there were six researchers who added to the venture the most: Neils Bohr, Joseph Carter, Glen Seaborg, Enrico Fermi, Richard Feynman, and Albert Einstein. (Wyden, 1984, pg. 113) Albert Einstein anticipated that mass could be changed over into vitality from the get-go in the century. The possibility of vitality from molecules originates from Einstein's condition: E=mc2. Iotas comprise of three sub-nuclear particles. The particles are protons, neutrons, and electrons. The neutrons and protons are firmly bunched to shape the core and the electrons circle around the core. The genuine mass of a core is in every case not exactly the aggregate of the neutrons and protons that make up the core. The thing that matters is what might be compared to the vitality of development of the core from its constituents. The transformation of mass to vitality follows Einstein's condition, E=mc2, where E is the vitality equal to a mass, m, and c is the speed of light. His hypothesis was affirmed tentatively by John D. Cockcroft and Ernest Walton in 1932. In 1939, Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassmann found atomic splitting. (Lanouette, 1992, pg. 82) Splitting is where sure cores of overwhelming particles split up into two about equivalent amounts of when they are barraged by neutrons. Neutrons are utilized to part the molecule since they have no electrical charge. On the off chance that researcher utilized a molecule that has a positive charge, the uranium iota would repulse the positive charge molecule. (Taffel, 1992, pg. 790) Neils Bohr found that U-235 had the capacity to make parting. To start splitting, a core from a
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Mobile Voting System Essay
Task Background Portable Technology is generally significant on the planet and current age. We can get refreshed data utilizing cell phones. Such gadget can be utilized for individual and business exchanges. Additionally, cell phones usefulness has developed enormously. These days, it tends to be utilized for an assortment of purposes like to find puts a lot of like a GPS, to peruse standardized identifications, to mess around, to peruse the Internet, to know climate projections, to cast a ballot, thus significantly more. Essentially the most significant uses are the voice calls, video calls and Short Messaging System (SMS). Right now different models of cell phones have turned out in the market and every one having exceptional points of interest over the others. The SMS or message office is significant in the cell phone. It permits the sender to send messages starting with one versatile then onto the next mobiles gadget. Most business foundations publicize through print media like the papers, magazines, flyers, handouts, thus significantly more. They likewise utilize the radio to advance their item and administrations. Moreover, a great deal business foundations direct market study like permitting shopper to pick which item they like best or choosing the best brands, etc. For instance, Nawras Telecommunication is perhaps the best correspondence suppliers in Oman. It makes the correspondence administration advantageous to the clients. During celebration or occasion, Nawras send mass messages to its clients educating them regarding advancements. Utilizing this promoting technique, clients will know about energizing promotions and limits. The foundation of any business is notice. Organizations have utilized versatile innovation to get to clients and sell their items and administrations. With this innovation, organizations can arrive at client base exceptionally simple and rapidly, accordingly, improving the business. Issue Statement In spite of the fact that print media is successful in promoting items, the issue lies on the expense. It is over the top expensive to publicize utilizing this medium. At the point when organizations direct market study, they as a rule do it physically. Model, they visit families haphazardly and ask them inquiries relating to their item and administrations or they gave out polls to individuals in the city. As observed, it is very time and exertion devouring. Venture Objectives The target of this undertaking is to plan and execute a Mobile Marketing System. It explicitly tries to: 1. Reduce the expense in promoting; 2. Reduce time and exertion in leading statistical surveying or study; 3. Utilize the cell phone as a promoting technique to publicize and direct market study; and 4. Configuration, create and test a Mobile Marketing System. CHEPTER 2: 3.1 Research Research Part is a stage of logical approach and can say as training based research. Step by step instructions to gather the data, research for new extend and comprehend the past framework and study the different data from books material and sites. The primary point of the exploration is utilizing portable innovation to get to clients and sell their items and administrations . Before beginning this task I read about organizations and how to do advancement for electronic items Without the need to purchase commercial may cost numerous sums. Furthermore, read the route promoting through cell phones So you need to snap the undertaking 2.2 PROJECT PLANNING 2.3 Analysis and Design Examination Frameworks examination is the investigation of sets of cooperating elements, including PC frameworks investigation. This area will break down the usefulness the product and what programming language will it be actualized. The structure area will contain screen formats just as the center plan of the product and the manner in which it will be executed.. Structure The analyst will investigate and structure the database dependent on the customers prerequisite. Demonstrating devices will be utilized to draw cases and information streams. Configuration stage additionally incorporates the structure of our database. Additionally will begin by planning the site as per our examination. At that point will make the database relying upon the past plan. At that point will make an association between the application itself and the database. The definite plan are at the phase of point by point configuration, taking a shot at the PC starts decisively. At this stage, the plan of the framework turns out to be progressively sorted out. Are drawn information sources, yields, and preparing determinations is in the subtleties. 2.4 Implementation and Testing In the wake of testing is finished, the framework will be actualized in the customer side. Testing is generally significant in framework improvement. We have to test the framework in all levels. To start with, it will be tried utilizing unit testing which utilizes section level test. In this undertaking, every single section ought to be approved. Unit is the littlest conceivable testable programming segment. This venture will begin with unit testing by testing every module of the undertaking. Second, stress testing will be performed. It is done when a framework is tried with a heap that makes it assign its assets for build up the item in most extreme sums, this is called pressure testing. For instance, in this venture, mass messages will be sent and gotten to and from clients and stress testing will be performed to check the effectiveness of the framework. It is normal that defers will occur. 2.5 Critical Evaluation It is important to assess the framework after structure, advancement and testing the framework for approval purposes. Assessment of the new framework relies upon the plan, advancement and test group and clients of the undertaking. It traps future mistake and characterizes future improvements as suggested by the client. Client assessment is of prime significance since he/she is the person who will utilize the framework consistently, so their endorsement must be looked for.
Friday, July 31, 2020
How to Develop Empathy in Relationships
How to Develop Empathy in Relationships Happiness Print How to Develop Empathy in Your Relationships By Derrick Carpenter facebook twitter Derrick Carpenter is a positive psychology coach at Happify, a website and app that uses science-based activities to help people live happier lives. Learn about our editorial policy Derrick Carpenter Medically reviewed by on February 14, 2020 FatCamera / Getty Images More in Self-Improvement Happiness Meditation Stress Management Spirituality Holistic Health Inspiration Brain Health Technology Relationships View All Empathy is a powerful force that helps maintain social order and cooperation. It is the mechanism that allows people to understand and relate to others. Empathy is a necessary precursor to intimacy, trust, and belonging. It is also the feeling that makes it difficult to turn a blind eye to the suffering of others. Empathic people experience a number of happiness benefits. Empathy often encourages altruistic behavior, and empathy-based kindness has been shown to increase cooperation and forgiveness, strengthen relationships, decrease aggression and judgment, and even improve mental and physical health.?? Interestingly, research does show that happier people tend to be less aware of negative emotions in others despite rating themselves as being more empathic.?? However, it is important to practice empathy, regardless of the mood in order to create greater happiness for ourselves and others. Practicing the key components of empathy can help you better understand and interact with people in your life. The Importance of Empathy Make Listening a Priority Before you can connect with what someone else is feeling, you have to recognize what that feeling is. Listening is crucialâ€"but not always easy. When a good friend calls you and needs to vent about how stressful work has been or how tough things have been since their recent breakup, the emotion in their voice usually gets your attention pretty quickly. It gets harder when conversations are happening amidst distractions and with less obvious emotional weight. Empathy begins when you set the intention of listening for emotion. Make an effort to notice the signals people are giving that can indicate what they are feeling. Your own emotions can pose a significant barrier when it comes to noticing what others are feeling. When you are having a conversation and are looking only at your own feelings and how you can communicate them, you might not be leaving enough attention available to take in what’s going on at the other end. Making an effort to actively listen can help strengthen your emotional understanding and empathy. How to Practice Active Listening Share Their Feelings Once you recognize emotion in another person, empathy puts you squarely in that person’s shoes. Empathy is not feeling what you would feel in that situation; it is stepping beside yourself and adopting their emotions for a few moments. Some research suggests that we succeed at this task by virtue of mirror neurons, or brain pathways that fire whether we’re experiencing the stimulus or we see someone else experience it.?? Mirror neurons are responsible for getting your heart racing when you admire athletes running through a stadium at your favorite sporting event or making you recoil in pain when watching unfortunate blunders in a funny viral video. When people become immersed in someone else’s grief, sadness, or irritation, this empathy can not only stand next to them and console them with greater understanding, but it also sends a message that they are willing to take on a painful emotion so that others don’t have to go it alone. Make Yourself Vulnerable Empathic connections are a two-way street. Allowing yourself to fully take in another person’s emotion can enhance your relationships, and allowing yourself to be vulnerable to others can amplify such connections. When you share experiences of your own challenging emotions, like guilt, anxiety, and shame, you create opportunities for others to empathize with you. Being vulnerable strengthens your own empathy in two ways. First, feeling the value of empathy when it’s reflected back to you can deepen your commitment to being empathic for others. You also gain more comfort navigating tough emotions in conversations with others. It’s not easy to hold onto a conversation about painful emotions, but if you deliberately train this ability in yourself by taking advantage of the opportunities when you have an emotion to share, you’ll be better equipped for the receiving end. Take Action and Offer Help If empathy rests at sharing in negative emotion, happiness can suffer. When people feel deep sadness for victims of a natural disaster, they get closer to putting themselves in other peoples shoes. But just feeling someone else’s pain, while it may enhance a sense of belonging and being understood if communicated, doesn’t maximize the opportunity to enhance well-being. The advantage of knowing what another person is going through is that you can better identify what other people need. Because empathy means that you are adopting the emotion but not the tough situation that gave rise to it, you are usually in a more empowered place to help. For empathy to be most effective and maximize well-being, it is important to feel both the pain of another and also know that you are in a position to do something about it. In a classic study where participants watched another person receive electric shocks and were given a choice to help the person by taking the remaining shocks themselves, people high in empathy were more likely to step in and help even when they could simply turn away and not watch anymore.?? Effective empathy allowed participants to feel the pain of the shock enough that they wanted to help, but not so much that they were reluctant to take it on themselves. Empathy-Building Strategies Improve your empathy by practicing the following on a regular basis. Over time, you will find that your ability to understand and relate to the emotions of others becomes stronger. Talk to other people. Make it a point to begin conversations with people you meet and see across your day-to-day interactions. While engaging in the conversation, pay particular attention to what that person is feeling.Notice body language cues. This can including tone of voice and subtle shifts in energy.Focus on listening. Manage both the distractions and your own feelings that could easily grab your attention and work on staying emotionally attuned throughout the conversation. Take action. Recognize that you can do things, however small, to make a difference in someone elses life. A Word From Verywell Empathy not only allows you to understand othersâ€"it can also give you the motivation you need to make a difference. Whether that means consoling a friend, buying a small gift for someone who needs it, or donating to causes helping natural disaster victims, empathy becomes effective when you use it as motivation to do something about the problem. When you see someone else going through a hard time, be sure to listen and share, but also clearly identify what you can do to help. The follow-through on empathy means initiating positive change for others. The beautiful thing about empathy is that when others begin to flourish, it improves your own life as well.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Descriptive Words for Wine - 2763 Words
DESCRIPTIVE WORDS FOR WINE Wine tasting, as a production control technique, depends upon converting into words the impression created by the reaction of the wine on the taster s palate. In order that one wine, tasted by several individuals, be reported in the same way by each, it is necessary that all of the tasters use the same words for the separate palate impressions the wine creates. The terms used in sensory examination fall naturally under the four headings of appearance, color, taste and odor. I. APPEARANCE: The appearance of a wine is judged upon whether or not the wine seems clear or contains sediment or suspended material of a colloidal or larger particle size. Brilliant: wines free of any visible solids and†¦show more content†¦Aroma and Bouquet Odors: The term aroma is reserved to describe those pleasant and desirable odors which are characteristic of the unfermented grape. Fermentation aroma refers to the additional odors present in the wine after fermentation. Fermentation aroma may consist of the odors from the fermentation by-products common to all fermentations and the odors from the substances produced by the action of the yeast and the basic aroma substances in the grapes. Bouquet refers to the odors produced by the interactions of the aroma substances with the container, with a small quantity of oxygen, and with one another. One can distinguish tank aging bouquet from bottle bouquet. It is particularly during long bottled aging of suitable red tables wines, that pronounced bouquet develops. 1. Aroma: a) Varietal: Certain of the grape varieties, when grown under optimum conditions, have aromas which are characteristic of the particular variety. While some of these characteristic varietal odors may be described as smelling like some other fruit or in general terms, it is felt that the varietal aromas are basic to sensory examination and that they should stand as such. Trained enologists should have a built-in impression of the basic aromas of those varieties in which the aroma is easily detectable, so that when confronted with an unknown sample, they are capable of recognizing and identifying the aroma. Some of the varieties consideredShow MoreRelatedThe Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allan Poe888 Words  | 4 Pageselements to convey an emotional impact. He utilizes irony, descriptive detail of setting, and dark character traits to create the search of sinful deceit. Poe also uses first person, where the narrator is the protagonist who is deeply involved . The purpose is to get the reader to no longer be the observer. He wants them to see with Montressor?s eyes, hear with his ears, and to react as he would. There is no real violence in the modern sense of the word. 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Sunday, May 10, 2020
Reducing Recidivism, Provide Treatment For Offenders, And...
In the United States and around the world there is an epidemic involving drug addiction. Also, we are facing a growing problem revolving around prison overcrowding, due to inmates that have committed drug related crimes, or offences while under the influence. There’s a solution that would help society and lessen overcrowding, and that’s to help those that are committing crimes due to an addiction disorder. In this paper, I will explore option’s that will help the growing population, reduce recidivism, provide treatment for offenders, and assist with re-entry. Substance use disorder is characterized by: the use of a mood or behavior altering substance in a maladaptive pattern resulting in significant impairment or distress, such as†¦show more content†¦According to Murray (2013), In 2011 the Bureau of Prison’s reported drug offenders constitute for 46.4 percent of the state prison population and 60 percent of the federal population. Many persons arrested were actively engaged in drug use around the time of their arrest. Current urinalysis surveys of persons arrested in twenty-two major cities in the U.S indicted that roughly over half of arrestees tested positive for at least one illicit drug. While 45 percent of state prisoners and 41 percent of federal prisoners say, they were under the influence of drugs when they committed their offence. Therefore, It is clear that drug related behavior takes up a significant part of the prison population. Along with overcrowding comes increased costs to house offenders. The costs of incarceration in the United States are high. Murray (2013) continued to state that, The Federal Bureau of Prisons calculated the average yearly cost to incarcerate an inmate at $31,286. The average cost for a state prisoner was $24,870 and the cost for those housed in local jails was $20,225. This varies depending on state and security level. Considering costs and the swelling inmate population. It has be come imperative to find ways of keeping offenders from reverting to crime. Thereby reducing the amount money devoted to new jails. Intensive substance abuse treatment programs have become an important partShow MoreRelatedIncarceration Of The United States3014 Words  | 13 Pagespresence of recidivism. With our ever growing incarceration rates and the cost of housing individual offenders averaging $22,000 a criminal justice agenda. Recidivism refers to a person s relapse into criminal behavior resulting in rearrests, reconviction or return to prison with or without a new sentence during a three-year period following the prisoner s release (National Institute of Justice.) Many programs have been implemented in our prison system to help reduce the recidivism rates. ProgramsRead MorePrograms That Help Convicts Return Of The Community1520 Words  | 7 Pagesof information and support programs are offered to guide convicted criminals released from federal and state prisons and jai ls prepare for their reentrance into society. These programs’ main aim is to equip prisoners with skills and information to assist them in their transition from prison into the community and help them survive life outside of prison. These curriculums offer a lot of relevant knowledge according to each prisoner’s situation. This process phase of the development is called â€Å"ProtectRead MoreDo Prisons Work Essay example2876 Words  | 12 PagesIncarceration and Treatment Programs. Critically examine the Current Treatment Programs offered and Subsequent Impact on Recidivism upon Individuals being released globally and WA specifically. This study will examine the effectiveness of current prison treatment programs in Australia, New Zealand, South East Asia, United States of America in rehabilitating or reforming an individual and coinciding recidivism rates upon a prisoners release. Prison based treatment programs for sex offenders in WesternRead MoreThe Drug Addiction Epidemic Of America Essay1679 Words  | 7 Pagesinheritance or life insurance proceeds. For those addicts who want rehabilitation, finding a bed in a treatment center is a challenge; thus, many become frustrated and continue on a path of destruction. If addicts commit a criminal offense, the courts provide assistance. Due to the over- crowding of jails and prisons, many states are increasing the level of supervision, the level of drug treatment, and the intensity of probation at the front end as a formula to put broken people on the right trackRead MoreThe United States Prison System Essay1927 Words  | 8 PagesThe United States prison system struggles eminently with keeping offenders out of prison after being released. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, more than third of all prisoners who were arrested within five years of released were arrested within six months after release, with more than half arrested by the end of the year (Hughes, Wilson, Beck, 2001). 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He claims that it costs states billions of dollars a year to arrest, prosecute, incarcerate, and treat juvenile offenders. Investing in successful delinquency-prevention programs can save taxpayers seven to ten dollars for every dollar invested, primarily in the form of reduced spending on prisons. The mo st successful community-based programs are those that have huge
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Mentor Free Essays
Instead of cursing the dark we have to light a candle; instead of looking down at the gutter at the roadside on a moonless night why not look up and appreciate the stars in the sky? We should put passion in every undertaking. And instead saying â€Å" It’s cloudy outside but it’s a Sunday,†why not make it as an opportunity and say â€Å"It’s a great Sunday!†Meaning you’re optimistic that the day would turn out right  because you are free from your office workâ€â€of your responsibility here–  despite the clouds hovering at the horizon. Right? In short we, all of you (managers, supervisors, section heads) should try to inspire others through your thoughts, words and deeds. We will write a custom essay sample on Mentor or any similar topic only for you Order Now First you should think and act as mentors and not mere managers or slave drivers of employees. A mentor says â€Å"we have to do this way,†rather than ordering a subordinate â€Å"to do that way.†Make yourself  part of the solution – a member of the team. As a mentor you take every problem as a new challenge. As proactive mentor you have to be ahead of the situation or you have to put up measures to prevent potential problems to crop up. To be an effective mentor you have to have the unlimited capacity to understand. How? Review your college psychology, about human nature or behavior, about motivation and aspirations of individuals. Make your subordinates feel that their aspirations and ambitions would be addressed by playing their roles in the company. Make their individual ambitions and the company’s objective one. Make them proud to belong to the company since they are being taken care of including their loved ones. To be a competent mentor every manager should have an open line of communication. You have to remove the partitions and cubicles. Let every worker approach you any time of the day – or night  and help him solve even his personal problem. As a mentor your responsibility does not end after office hours. The communications line should be open 24 hours a day. Mentoring is like coaching a football or basketball team. A coach is a mentor-leader â€â€not a manager– because he inspires people. Your effectiveness as a coach could be measured on how the athletes play the game and not on the number of games won. The objective of the manager is to win all the games. As for the coach? His foremost consideration is the welfare of the individual players including their future and direction. Winning is secondary. Winning is not the objective. Winning a game or the championship should be the result of mentoring. No amount of shouting, cursing or suspension could make a player give a 100-percent contribution to a game if he is not inspired to play. He only gives his best because of the motivations from his coach. An example is Carter of the popular movie Coach Carter. He made men out of the spoiled and undisciplined youngsters. He transformed their livesâ€â€and their future. He considered every game lost an opportunity for each of his players to improve and do better. Carter provided them reasons to live a beautiful and fruitful life. Another organization where you can find a mentor-leader is the Army. It is not the platoon leader but it’s usually the platoon sergeant who motivates the infantrymen during battles. One factor that inspires the soldiers could be the courage of the sergeant. And he leads in front of his platoon every skirmish. Because he has the extensive knowledge and experiences acquired from previous battles his men have confidence of his leadership. They know that what the sergeant is doing is  for their welfare and to reduce casualties. In short extensive knowledge and courage play an important role in motivating people. And you can have more knowledge by attending managerial and motivational workshops on your initiative and on your own time. In short self-improvement. Another role you should play as leader is that of a facilitator. You should group your subordinates into teams not as work-related groups, like budget, accounting, or disbursing section .Each team has an objective to accomplishâ€â€just like every squad in the army. Each team member has a defined role to play or a specialization.The men in a squad don’t carry the same type of weapon. One carries a bar or a special weapon which is effective for long range shooting. Another carries a machine gun for close combat. Others carry assault rifles for the final push. Others carry sniper’s rifle with night vision for evening assault, and so forth. And in the absence of the point -man, the next in rank can take over to accomplish the objective of the team since every member’s role is clearly defined. So you have a logistical team rather than a dispatching section. Each team leader is empowered to make decisions. In case of misunderstanding or conflict in the implementation of an office policy, as manager or supervisor you act as collaborator but not as compromiser. As team member you consider everyone in the group as your colleague or peer not as your immediate supervisor or your direct subordinate. Each role should be defined not by the ranking of the position but by specialization or skills. Thus, the secretary becomes communications specialist and the telephone operator the solutions provider  for she gives answers to queries, Right? With these changes each can assert his role in the organization and he could measure his overall contribution. Even the janitor must have a position fitted to his contribution  as sanitation specialist. Try to imagine a single day without a janitor. You will find that the following day everything is in chaos or the office smelly. In case of conflict, as facilitator you initiate collaborative work, you initiave comprehensive cooperation from all the members of the team. For an example in the advertising department, you yave to facilitate the production of the best creative idea for a promotional campaign. In this case you don’t have to criticize ideas presented. You have to facilitate the frution of the ideas into a useful concept. As facilitator you have to be highly assertive so it would be faster for a collegial decision to crop up from the team. Another role you should play as supervisor is that of a monitor. In short you have to record and take note of the progress of each team in your group. You don’t have to record their attendance nor whether they come on time or leave the office earlier. That’s not the point. As monitor you record as to how far they are from the goal. You have to be goal-oriented. You manage by objective. To be an effective monitor you have to be competent about information managementâ€â€the ins and outs of the system.In short you have your own system to grade your members. In the military there is such thing as demerits. For example you wear a complete uniform you would be given 100 merits. Any stain or dirt in the uniform, or improper wearing of a single insignia the officer would give you the corresponding demerits. In this way your team members know their goal if they could make you objective and make it perfectly.. The military for example, has its own counterintelligence group. This way the military plays it safe by moving ahead of its enemies. This means you monitor the contribution of each member of the team and advice them from time to time as the necessary adjustments needed in their activities. Another function you should do as manager is that of a coordinator. In this situation you act not only as the coach of the team. You act at the same time  the team captain or the playing coach. You coordinate the maneuvers on the court as team captain. All the members of the team observe you from a distance as to what signals you are transmitting to them. As coordinator you know the specialized skill of each member. Like basketball, you know how the guard or the forwards functions during set plays. You know the capacity of your center or you know who would be the slotman or pointmaker during crucial time of the game. In short each man has a specializationâ€â€just like in your department or section. In basketball, the team captain sometimes decide  as to when they need to rest – and not necessarily the coach– and transmit this need to the coach or the bench officials for the team to take a rest or take a time out to change plan of  maneuvers . Compared to our company, as facilitator you must have the hands-on knowledge of the operation of your division or section.You cannot play as team captain if you don’t know the limit of your teammates, right? To summarize the following table show you the roles and the competencies needed: ROLES  COMPETENCIES NEEDED MENTOR   Big understanding; open-mindedness, effective verbal and oral Communications; ;extensive understanding of human Motivations; example that of a coach; can emphatize FACILITATOR       team-building skills; delegation of authority; assume Responsibility; will not compromise solution; example That of a college instructor;example: basketball team captain MONITOR                Proactive and goal-orientation; ability to detect Weaknesses; extensive analytical ability; example: a high school teacher; another example is the Army’s demerit system. COORDINATOR     Proactive; ability to measure capacity and limits; ex: team captain; he gets the opinion of the members of the team to arrive at a good decision; ability to get the attention of every member of the team; ability to get respect from the team. Case 1 Shaheen Matombo, staff member The case of Shaheen is not an isolated one. It is always the problem of single mother who doubles as head of the family. Shaheen is not a hopeless case. In fact Shaheen has offered an alternative schedule of 8:30 a.m. in exchange for a 30-minute lunch break. As CEO I would suggest to Andre Tate, Shaheen’s manager, to adopt the staff member’s offer of arriving at 8:30 with 30-minute lunch break, with off at 5 p.m., just like everybody in the office. As manager it is the foremost to maintain manpower, especially that Shaheen is a product of a computer college. It is the goal of Shaheen’s immediate supervisor to give the newcomerâ€â€three months at workâ€â€a chance to develop herself in her workplace. In this age of computers, and flexible time, the offer of Shaheen is laudable. Morale of her co-workers would not be affected if the change of Shaheen’s schedule would be known by everybody in the office.And the same flexible time schedule would be offered to anybody who have the same reasons that of Shaheen. As manager, Andre should also provide a counteroffer. Meaning, Shaheen would follow her suggested schedule religiously.And a single late or failure to follow the schedule may mean she has to revert to the 8 a.m. regular time. During contingency, Shaneen would be given the chance to work online at home, so by the time she will be at the office she would not miss any important call. A system would be installed that calls made at 8 a.m. to the office would be coursed through the home telephone or computer of Shaheen at home. Another counteroffer would be for Shaheen to observe her suggested schedule but without coffee breaks of 15 minutes in the morning and another coffee break of 15 minutes in the afternoon. In short let Shaheen eat at his work station in exchange for her coming at 8:30 p.m. Since Shaheen is a computer graduate, sooner she would learn the ropes and could be effective in her work. As manager, Andre’s work is to maintain cohesion, morale and develop through training all the employees, not only Shaheen. As manager, Andre’s responsibility is to develop human resources in the company, particularly at this time when it would be hard to hire competent employees who are readily knowledgeable with office work. One of the four approaches to effective values (HM 2022, frame 17 of lecture 2) is emphasis on human relations where the goal of the manager is maintaining human relations. Shaheen stay in the office can be considered probationary for it takes from three to six months before an employee becomes regular. Assuming Shaheen is already a regular staffer, the more that she should be retained and given the chance to improve herself. In this case, Andre may assign a veteran worker or her supervisor as her office mentor. Shaneen needs the guidance of a facilitator and coordinator who understands her first and second willing to help her until she may be six months in office. In this way, if she would not improve, Andre have the reason to look for her replacement or put her in a job that does not require her to be at 8 a.m.. Of she may be given flexible time schedule to suit her work at home. The manager should understand the situation of Shaneen from the poiont of view of a parent. The manager should try to wear the shoes of Shaheen to undertanding extensively the situation Shaheen is in. As mentor, Andre should inspire Shaheen to work better and improve in her work. Andre should have the capacity and the patience to work with a worker like Shaneen For sooner, Shaheen may improve for she has the potential to be an effective worker.      How to cite Mentor, Essay examples
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Pinnacle Manufacturing Case free essay sample
Your firm has an employee who reads and saves articles about issues that may affect key clients. You read an article in the file titled, â€Å"EPA Regulations Encouraging Solar-Powered Engines Postponed? †After reading the article, you realize that the regulations management is relying upon to increase sales of this division might not go into effect for at least ten years. A second article is titled, â€Å"Stick to Diesel Pinnacle! †The article claims that although Pinnacle has proven itself within the diesel engine industry, they lack the knowledge and people necessary to perform well in the solar-powered engine industry. . You ask management for a tour of the Solar-Electro facilities. While touring the warehouse, you notice a section of solar-powered engines that do not look like the ones advertised on Pinnacle’s Web site. You ask the warehouse manager when those items were first manufactured. He responds by telling you, â€Å"I’m not sure. We will write a custom essay sample on Pinnacle Manufacturing Case or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I’ve been here a year and they were here when I first arrived†3. You also observe that new computerized manufacturing equipment has been installed at Solar-Electro. The machines have been stamped with the words, â€Å"Product of Welburn Manufacturing, Detroit, Michigan. 4. During a meeting with the facilities director, you learn that the board of directors has decided to raise a significant amount of debt to finance the construction of a new manufacturing plant for the Solar-Electro division. The company also plans to make a considerable investment in modifications to the property on which the plant will be built. 5. While standing in line at a vending machine, you see a Pinnacle vice president wearing a golf shirt with the words â€Å"Todd-Machinery†You are familiar with the company and noticed some of its repairmen working in the plant earlier. You tell the man you like the shirt and he responds by saying, â€Å"Thank you. My wife and I own the company, but we hire people to manage it. †6. After inquiry of the internal audit team, you realize there is significant turnover in the internal audit department. You conclude the turnover is only present at the higher-level positions. 7. While reviewing Pinnacle’s long-term debt agreements, you identify several restrictive covenants. Two requirements are to keep the current ratio above 2. 0 and debt-to-equity below 1. 0 at all times. 8. While reading the footnotes of the previous year’s financial statements, you note that one customer, Auto-Electro, accounts for nearly 15% of the company’s accounts receivable balance. You investigate this receivable and learn it has been outstanding for several months. 9. The engagement partner from your CPA firm called today notifying you that Brian Sioux, an industry specialist and senior tax manager from the firm’s Ontario office, will be coming on-site to Pinnacle’s facilities to investigate an ongoing dispute between the Internal Revenue Service and Pinnacle. 0. A member of your CPA firm, who is currently on-site in Detroit at the Welburn division, calls you to see how everything is going while you are visiting Solar-Electro in Texas. During your conversation, he asks if you know anything about the recent intercompany loan from Welburn to Solar-Electro. 11. During discussions with the Pinnacle controller, you learn that Pinnacle employees did a signi ficant amount of the construction work for a building addition. The controller stated that the work was carefully coordinated with the construction company responsible for the addition. Required a. Identify specific considerations from Parts I and II of the case that affect your assessments of engagement risk and acceptable audit risk. Use each of the three factors in the text to categorize your conclusions: External users’ reliance on financial statements Likelihood of financial difficulties Management integrity As the Independent Auditor I would require from Pinnacle, the client a Management Representation Letter. This is a letter an auditor is required to obtain from management at the conclusion of fieldwork, confirming representations explicitly or implicitly given to the auditor, indicating and documenting the continuing appropriateness of such representations, and reducing the possibility of misunderstanding regarding the representations. b. Assess acceptable audit risk as high, medium, or low considering the items you identified in requirement a. (A risky client will be assessed as a low acceptable audit risk. I will identify the audit risk as high. c. Identify inherent risks for the audit of Pinnacle using the information from Parts I and II. For each inherent risk, identify the account or accounts that may be affected. (1)Related Parties – A reporting entity’s affiliates, principal owners, and management also, any members of their immediate families. Points of consideration is a Pinnacle VP owning Todd-Machinery, its repair men working at Pinnacle at the time the auditor w as at field work, while standing in front of vending machine. 2) While reviewing Pinnacle’s long-term debt agreements, there were several restrictive covenants. Two requirements are to keep the current ratio above 2. 0 and debt-to-equity below 1. 0 at all times. This is an item of consideration of possibilities for Pinnacle to â€Å"cook the books†so as to keep in compliance with covenant. (3) There is a high turnover of employees. After inquiry of the internal audit team, you realize there is significant turnover in the internal audit department. You conclude the turnover is only present at the higher-level positions. 4) While reading the footnotes of the previous year’s financial statements, you note that one customer, Auto-Electro, accounts for nearly 15% of the company’s accounts receivable balance. This receivable and learn it has been outstanding for several months. This is an inherent risk of being a related party transaction wherein goods could be sold to Auto-Electro, a related party, but Pinnacle has not received collection of receivables because this is just to make the financial statements look good as havin g the sale. Revenue and Inventory accounts are affected. (5)There is an ongoing dispute between Pinnacle and Internal Revenue Service. 10-43 (Objective 10-5) In Parts I and II of this case, you performed preliminary analytical procedures and assessed acceptable audit risk and inherent risk for Pinnacle Manufacturing. Your team has been assigned the responsibility of auditing the acquisition and payment cycle and one related balance sheet account, accounts payable. The general approach to be taken will be to reduce assessed control risk to a low level, if possible, for the two main types of transactions affecting accounts payable: acquisitions and cash disbursements. The following are furnished as background information: A summary of key information from the audit of the acquisition and payment cycle and accounts payable in the prior year, which was extracted from the previous audit firm’s audit files (Figure 10-12) A flowchart description of the accounting system and internal controls for the acquisition and payment cycle (Figure 10-13,p. 34)â€â€the flowchart shows that although each of the company’s three divisions has its own receiving department, the purchasing and accounts payable functions are centralized The purpose of Part III is to obtain an understanding of internal control and assess control risk for Pinnacle Manufacturing’s acquisition and cash disbursement transactions. Required a. Familiarize yourself with the internal control system for acquisitions and cash disbursements by studying the information in Figure 10-12 and Figure 10-13. FIGURE 10-12 Information for Audit of Accounts Payable  Previous Year . Prepare a control risk matrix for acquisitions and a separate one for cash disbursements using Figure 10-5 on page 308 as a guide. A formatted control risk matrix is provided on the textbook Web site. The objectives should be specific transaction-related audit objectives for acquisitions for the first matrix and cash disbursements for the second matrix. See pages 608–612 in Chapter 18 for transaction-related audit objectives for acquisitions and cash disbursements. In doing Part III, the following steps are recommended: (1) Controls a. Identify key controls for acquisitions and for cash disbursements. After you decide on the key controls, include each control in one of the two matrices. b. Include a â€Å"C‚†in the matrix in each column for the objective(s) to which each control applies. Several of the controls should satisfy multiple objectives. (2) Deficiencies a. Identify key deficiencies for acquisitions and for cash disbursements. After you decide on the deficiencies, include each significant deficiency or material weakness in the bottom portion of one of the two matrices. Answer: During a meeting with the facilities director, you learn that the board of directors has decided to raise a significant amount of debt to finance the construction of a new manufacturing plant for the Solar-Electro division. The company also plans to make a considerable investment in modifications to the property on which the plant will be built. Auditing Presentation and Disclosure. a. Completeness The auditor should ensure that all required disclosures related to accounts payable and purchases have been included in the notes to the financial statements. Required disclosures include: 1. Payables by type (trade, officer/ employee, affiliates) and term (short-term and long-term) 2. Purchase contracts and purchase commitments. 3. Related party purchases and payables 4. Expenses by segment b. Valuation, Allocation and Accuracy The auditor should read the footnotes and other information related to accounts payable and purchases to determine whether the information is accurate and presented at the appropriate amounts. c. Rights and Obligations and Occurrence The auditor should compare disclosures to other audit eveidence to ensure that all disclosed information related to accounts payable and purchases has occurred. . Understandability and Classification The auditor should read all accounts payable and purchase related disclosures to ensure that they are understandable. The auditor should determine whether material long-term payables or non-trade payables require separate disclosure. b. Include a â€Å"D‚†in the matrix in each column for the objective(s) to which each significant deficiency or material weakness applies. (3) Assess control risk as high, medium, or low for each objective using your best judgment. Do this for both the acquisitions and cash disbursements matrices. Control risk is to be assessed as high therefore as auditor, I would increase my risk sampling. Expenditure Cycle A. Internal Control- Purchases The following functions in a purchase transaction should be segregated: 1. Purchase Requisition The purchase requisition starts the purchasing cycle. The department in need of the asset or services sends a properly approved, serially numbered requisition to the purchasing department. The requisitioning department should not have the authority to actually place the purchase order. This would indicate a weakness in internal control. 2. Purchase Orders The purchasing department should place the order only after giving proper consideration to the time to order and the quantity to order. The purchasing department should also obtain competitive bids from various suppliers to make sure that the best price is obtained. The purchase order is issued only after proper approval. For internal control purposes, it is best that pre-numbered purchase orders can be used. There should be multiple copies that will be sent to: (i) the requisitioning department; (ii) the vendor; (iii) the receiving department; and (iv) the accounting department. If the purchase order is canceled, all copies should be recalled and filed so that every purchase order number is accounted for. 3. Receipt of Goods or Services The copy of the purchase order sent to the receiving department serves as an authorization to accept the goods when they arrive. It is preferable that the copy not indicate the quantity ordered. Thus, the receiving department is forced to count the goods upon arrival. A receiving report is prepared by this department and forwarded to the accounting department. The goods are forwarded to the requisitioning department . The accounting department has three functions: (i) to record the payable, (ii) to approve the invoice for payment; and (iii) to record the payment after it is paid by the Treasurer. 1. Recording the Payable The copy of the purchase order sent to the accounting department notifies them that there will be a future cash disbursement. The receiving report is compared with the purchase order and the vendor’s invoice as to the quantity to prevent payment of charges for goods in excess of those ordered and received. The accounting department records the goods as received in inventory, and records a payable. 2. Approving Invoice for Payment and Recording Payment When the invoice arrives, the accounting department approves it by matching the invoice, purchase order, receiving report, and (sometimes) the requisition. When payment is made, the payable is reversed. The accounting department should ensure that the invoice amount is correct, and that it accurately reflects any purchase discounts, before approving it for payment. C. Internal Control – Cash Disbursements It is best for internal control purposes to pay invoices by check. For effective internal control, the functions of approving the payment and signing the checks should be segregated. Approved voucher packets (matched invoice, purchase order, receiving report, and requisition) prepared by the accounting department (Accounts Payable) are received by the Treasurer, who prepares, signs, and mails the checks and cancels all supporting documents after payment. Paid vouchers are returned to the accounting department for posting of the payment and filing of the documents.
Friday, March 20, 2020
Different Types of Isolines in Geography
Different Types of Isolines in Geography Topographic maps use a wide variety of symbols to represent human and physical features, including isolines, which are often used on maps to represent points of equal value. The Basics of Isolines and Contour Lines Isolines, also referred to as contour lines, can be used to represent elevation on a map by connecting points of equal elevation, for instance. These imaginary lines provide a good visual representation of the terrain. As with all isolines, when contour lines lie close together, they represent a steep slope; lines far apart represent a gradual slope. But isolines can also be used to show other variables on a map besides terrain, and in other themes of study. For example, the first map of Paris used isolines to depict population distribution in that city, rather than physical geography. Maps using isolines and their variations have been used by astronomer Edmond Halley (of Halleys comet) and by doctor John Snow to better understand an 1854 cholera epidemic in England. This is a list of some common (as well as obscure) types of isolines used on maps to represent different features of the terrain, such as elevation and atmosphere, distances, magnetism and other visual representations not easily shown on a two-dimensional depiction. The prefix iso- means equal. Isobar A line representing points of equal atmospheric pressure. Isobath A line representing points of equal depth under water. Isobathytherm A line representing depths of water with equal temperature. Isochasm A line representing points of equal recurrence of auroras. Isocheim A line representing points of equal mean winter temperature. Isochrone A line representing points of equal time-distance from a point, such as the transportation time from a particular point. Isodapane A line representing points of equal transport costs for products from production to markets. Isodose A line representing points of equal intensity of radiation. Isodrosotherm A line representing points of equal dew point. Isogeotherm A line representing points of equal mean temperature. Isogloss A line separating linguistic features. Isogonal A line representing points of equal magnetic declination. Isohaline A line representing points of equal salinity in the ocean. Isohel A line representing points receiving equal amounts of sunshine. Isohume A line representing points of equal humidity. Isohyet A line representing points of equal precipitation. Isoneph A line representing points of equal amounts of cloud cover. Isopectic A line representing points where ice begins to form at the same time each fall or winter. Isophene A line representing points where biological events occur at the same time, such as crops flowering. Isoplat A line representing points of equal acidity, as in acid precipitation. Isopleth A line representing points of equal numerical value, such as population. Isopor A line representing points of equal annual change in magnetic declination. Isostere A line representing points of equal atmospheric density. Isotac A line representing points where ice begins to melt at the same time each spring. Isotach A line representing points of equal wind speed. Isothere A line representing points of equal mean summer temperature. Isotherm A line representing points of equal temperature. Isotim A line representing points of equal transport costs from the source of a raw material.
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
The Asch Conformity Experiments and Social Pressure
The Asch Conformity Experiments and Social Pressure The Asch Conformity Experiments, conducted by psychologist Solomon Asch in the 1950s, demonstrated the power of conformity in groups and showed that even simple objective facts cannot withstand the distorting pressure of group influence. The Experiment In the experiments, groups of male university students were asked to participate in a perception test. In reality, all but one of the participants were confederates (collaborators with the experimenter who only pretended to be participants). The study was about how the remaining student would react to the behavior of the other participants. The participants of the experiment (the subject as well as the confederates) were seated in a classroom and were presented with a card with a simple vertical black line drawn on it. Then, they were given a second card with three lines of varying length labeled A, B, and C. One line on the second card was the same length as that on the first, and the other two lines were obviously longer and shorter. Participants were asked to state out loud in front of each other which line, A, B, or C, matched the length of the line on the first card. In each experimental case, the confederates answered first, and the real participant was seated so that he would answer last. In some cases, the confederates answered correctly, while in others, the answered incorrectly. Aschs goal was to see if the real participant would be pressured to answer incorrectly in the instances when the Confederates did so, or whether their belief in their own perception and correctness would outweigh the social pressure provided by the responses of the other group members. Results Asch found that one-third of real participants gave the same wrong answers as the Confederates at least half the time. Forty percent gave some wrong answers, and only one-fourth gave correct answers in defiance of the pressure to conform to the wrong answers provided by the group. In interviews he conducted following the trials, Asch found that those that answered incorrectly, in conformance with the group, believed that the answers given by the Confederates were correct, some thought that they were suffering a lapse in perception for originally thinking an answer that differed from the group, while others admitted that they knew that they had the correct answer, but conformed to the incorrect answer because they didnt want to break from the majority. The Asch experiments have been repeated many times over the years with students and non-students, old and young, and in groups of different sizes and different settings. The results are consistently the same with one-third to one-half of the participants making a judgment contrary to fact, yet in conformity with the group, demonstrating the strong power of social influences. Connection to Sociology The results of Aschs experiment resonate with what we know to be true about the nature of social forces and norms in our lives. The behavior and expectations of others shape how we think and act on a daily basis because what we observe among others teaches us what is normal, and expected of us. The results of the study also raise interesting questions and concerns about how knowledge is constructed and disseminated, and how we can address social problems that stem from conformity, among others. Updated by Nicki Lisa Cole, Ph.D.
Monday, February 17, 2020
DQ # 1 Response to Classmate Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
DQ # 1 Response to Classmate - Research Paper Example Rita, the remaining staff nurses, and with the help of all employees on the unit can succeed in orienting and retaining the seven new graduates by first welcoming them to the unit. In helping the new employees feel welcome, it is also important to realize that leadership and followership has a synergistic relationship and that â€Å"no change can occur without willing and committed followers†(Grossman & Valiga, 2009, p. 36). Starting a new job, especially as a new graduate nurse is very stressful. Fear and lack of confidence can sometimes overwhelm a new graduate and it is extremely important to make them feel welcome. Research suggests that when the â€Å"staff is friendly, welcoming, open to the new graduates being there, supportive, and encouraging of their learning†can result in a successful transition from new graduate to nurse (Glynn & Sylva, 2013, p. 177). In real world, it can be seen that through creating quality relationship between leadership and followership, it is possible to orient as well as retain the new nurses. As stated by Grossman and Valiga (2009), â€Å"Leadership and followership are two separate concepts that are complementary or reciprocal, not competitive†(p. 36). People often feel apprehensive when they start a new job but when they are given a warm welcome to the unit, they quickly gain confidence which helps them to acclimatize to the environment. This is so because there would be mutual understanding among the team members which help them to easily fit in the working environment. I have witnessed this at Baptist Hospital where the pre op nurse manager displays quality leadership styles where new nurses are given the opportunity to freely interact with senior nurses in a bid to build confidence in them.            Offering encouragement and support to the new nurses and allowing them to ask questions, makes them feel comfortable and increases their confidence. It is also important to gain feedback from the new
Monday, February 3, 2020
Any topic of your choosing from the study of law enforcement Research Paper
Any topic of your choosing from the study of law enforcement - Research Paper Example As such, they often apprehend criminals who are a menace to innocent citizens (Goldstein 12). This sparks hatred between the criminal gangs and police officers. In this situation, criminal gangs decree that police officers will be vulnerable when they are off work. This is partially owing to the protection from other officers while at work. Similarly, police officers are vulnerable when they are off work since they are not armed (Stering 33). This makes them an easy target. A number of cases have been reports where police officers are attacked at their place of residence. This is a challenge they face owing to their involvement in law enforcement. They are targeted since they limit the activities of criminal gangs. Police officers are considered one of the most stressed government officers. The stress levels in police officers increase owing to the indulgence in their work. They are required to work for long hours since they have to protect the nation throughout day and night (Forbes , 54). This leads to limited hours of sleep. This affects their lives, even when they are off duty. For example, their sleeping pattern is frequently distracted owing to the scope of their work. At times, the police officers are required to report on duty at night. As such, they often feel fatigued and tired. This could affect their family life. In most cases, police officers have families, which need their support and care. Consequentially, with such working conditions, the family support and care is jeopardized. The families have to persevere with such conditions, as it is almost impossible to rectify such a situation. In bizarre instances, it leads to neglect of the family since they do not have ample time with the family. The family could feel neglected since the police officer, who has a family is hardly present for the family. This will increase the stress levels of the police officers as they could have a guilty conscience. Police officers will often have stress concerning th eir job. As such, they would like to relieve their stress with the easiest possible means. Apparently, controlling stress to manageable levels is an indulging activity that needs time and dedication (Stering 19). For example, visiting a therapist will consume time and finances. As such, they revert to using alcohol and drugs. This behavior starts as a genuine solution to an incumbent problem. However, it exceeds to become a problem in itself. When the officers are drunk or high on drugs, they will have ease as they have solved some of their problems. Unfortunately, they get used to the behavior of using drugs and abusing alcohol most of the times they are stressed. This leads to addiction. This further deteriorates the situation as they depend on alcohols and drugs in solving and relieving their stress. As a fact, solving such a situation will require intervention from concerned parties. Bizarrely, some of the concerned parties do not have the time to reflect on the problems of the police officers (Raymond, 41). As such, they will continue with such behaviors. This ruins their life especially when they are off duty. For example, they will have to look for additional finances to sustain their alcohol and drug consumption. This will lead to uncouth behavior including corruption. Police officers are often dispatched to places marred with chaos, war and fighting between members of a society (Goldstein 23). At times, this is not a welcoming scene. Police
Saturday, January 25, 2020
The Department of Homeland Security: Technology
The Department of Homeland Security: Technology The statement: The Department of Homeland Security has complete responsibility for all U.S. homeland security related critical infrastructure (CI) matters is not entirely accurate; originally, matters of national security were the sole responsibility of the federal government (Homeland Security, 2003, p. 7). Today, national critical infrastructure protection is a joint effort among the federal government, public and private sectors. The Department of Homeland Security was established to protect and secure the homeland from both domestic and foreign threats. According to the Homeland Security Act of 2002, the development of a plan which will ensure the security of critical infrastructure is the responsibility of the DHS (Homeland Security, 2009). Likewise, the DHS is also responsible for recommending the measures necessary to protect the key resources and critical infrastructure of the United States (Homeland Security, 2009, p. 2). The mission of DHS is one that involves the protection of infrastructure and critical facilities and networks (Homeland Security, 2010, p. 33). The DHS is responsible for the identification and assessment of all components which make up critical infrastructure. In addition to mitigating potential vulnerabilities; improving the resilience of critical infrastructure, is also a top priority of the DHS. This includes but is not limited to: stand-alone facilities and interdependent systems and networks within and across critical infrastructure sectors (Homeland Security, 2010, p. 34). The DHS serves as the leader and facilitator for those agencies who share responsibility for protecting the nations critical infrastructures (Homeland Security, 2010, p. 31). Those agencies include territorial, tribal, local and state governments, as well as the private sector and other agencies not associated with the government (Homeland Security, 2003). Conversely, when a disaster occurs these agencies are the first line of defense for national critical infrastructures. Even though the DHS is responsible for leading critical infrastructure efforts, coordination of security measures within local and state governments and critical sector industry leaders are the responsibility of federal lead departments and agencies (Homeland Security, 2003). Similarly, it is the responsibility of state and local governments to provide protection to critical infrastructures that are located within their jurisdictions (Homeland Security, 2003, p. 10). If and when a catastrophic event should occur which exhaust the capabilities of local and state governments, it is up to the federal government to coordinate a response (Homeland Security, 2003). A majority of our nations critical infrastructures are privately owned or operated, which means that the private sector are initially responsible for providing protection against threats to their facilities (Homeland Security, 2003). When the threat becomes more than the private sector can handle then the government will step in to assist and ensure that our nations critical infrastructures and assets are protected (Homeland Security, 2003, p. 11). Likewise, the federal government will be there to provide support for an environment in which the private sector can better carry out its specific responsibilities (Homeland Security, 2003, p. 11). The chemical sector is one of the most vulnerable critical infrastructures to natural disaster and terrorist attacks, that being said the DHS is working with the EPA to enhance security at chemical facilities (Homeland Security, 2003). In addition, special attention is being paid to those facilities which house large quantities of hazardous chemicals (Homeland Security, 2003, p. 78). Studies conducted by the DHS and private sector are currently underway to identify and understand physical vulnerabilities within the telecommunications infrastructure and their associated risks (Homeland Security, 2003, p. 61). Even though the private sector must occasionally seek assistance from the DHS, there are times when the federal government must rely on the private sector to lend a hand in emergency response and recovery. An example of the federal government calling on the private sector for assistance was the anthrax scare of 2001. A large Washington D.C. construction corporation was contracted to oversee the abatement and restoration of the Brentwood Post office in Washington D.C. and the Trenton Post office facility in New Jersey. One must also understand that quite a few of our nations critical infrastructures cross international borders (Homeland Security, 2003, p. 35). Therefore the federal government has partnered with the neighboring countries to provide security for our interconnected infrastructures (Homeland Security, 2003, p. 35). The United States partnership with Canada is is a vital asset to national critical infrastructure, efforts are being made to provide protection for international interconnected infrastructures. An example of this partnership is the Alaskan Canadian hightway. In order to transport goods and supplies to Alaska we must travel cross Canadian territory. It is evident that matters of critical infrastrucutre involves not only the DHS but the public and private sectors as well. The DHS would not be able to carry out their responsibilites without the assistance of local and state agencies, the private sector and vice versa. The U.S. government has made great strides in developing techniques and strategies to harden U.S. critical infrastructures which will make them more resistant to terrorist attack and natural disasters. One of the U.S. governments goals is to establish a strong partnership that spans across all levels of government, in addition to the private sector and the American people (Homeland Security, 2009). The Protected Critical Infrastructure Information Program is just one of many steps taken by the U.S. government to harden critical infrastructure. This program provides protection to security-related critical infrastructure information (Homeland Security, 2009, p. 5). By breaking down each critical infrastructure sector it is easier to understand how the U.S. government has been successful in hardening each critical infrastructure. The agriculture and food sector is one of the most vulnerable critical infrastructures, that being said, efforts to harden this sector are an ongoing challenge (Mark Sauter James Carafano, 2005). The U.S. government has revised its measures by providing more protection through the hiring of more health inspectors, and adding more reporting requirements (Sauter Carafano, 2005, p. 291). Contamination of our nations water supply is often a topic of concern; efforts are being made by the Environmental Protection Agency as well as the Department of Homeland Security to conduct a vulnerability and threat assessment (Sauter Carafano, 2005). These assessments will improve not only site security at high threat locations it will also enhance monitoring and sharing of information (Sauter Carafano, 2005, p. 292). With regards to the critical infrastructure of public health the U.S. government has implemented measures to harden biomedical surveillance (Sauter Carafano, 2005). This is extremely important because of the risks of a biological attack. There have also been improvements in hardening security of emergency stockpiles of medical supplies (Sauter Carafano, 2005, p. 294). In order to improve the physical security of medical structures the U.S. government has provided incentives to the private sector (Sauter Carafano, 2005, p. 294). In response to hardening the critical infrastructure of emergency services the U.S. government has established measures to harden interoperable and redundant communication networks (Sauter Carafano, 2005, p. 295). The U.S. government has instituted a tougher national emergency preparedness exercise program which teaches better security and promotes consistent protection planning and response protocols (Sauter Carafano, 2005, p. 295). Since the defense industrial base critical infrastructure sector is owned by a majority of the private sector the U.S. government has implemented new measures to include critical infrastructure protection requirements in contract processes (Sauter Carafano, 2005, p. 296). Likewise, security is being strengthened in the defense related commercial production and distribution processes (Sauter Carafano, 2005, p. 296). The telecommunications critical infrastructure has been assessed by the U.S. government, and in return a program has been designed to identify where the most vulnerable areas are in the communication architecture and then address the security issue (Sauter Carafano, 2005). Conversely, there have also been efforts made in the energy critical infrastructure sector to enhance resilience of the energy facilities (Sauter Carafano, 2005, p. 298). Facility equipment is being repaired and replaced and there have also been improvements in restoration and recovery of services (Sauter Carafano, 2005, p. 298). Significant improvements have been made to harden the transportation critical infrastructure sector; for example, security initiatives have been established to provide commercial airliners with protection from shoulder fired missiles (Sauter Carafano, 2005, p. 299). There have also been new developments in screening technology which help identify potential threats to transportation as well as aiding the postal service sector in identifying suspicious mail (Sauter Carafano, 2005, pp. 301-302). Despite the many efforts being made to harden critical infrastructure, there are still several weaknesses in the U.S. governments strategy. Lets face it, the only other thing that is more costly than hardening critical infrastructure is the disruption or potential loss of operations in those critical infrastructures. It is clear that trying to harden all critical infrastructures is too daunting of a task and is not cost effective. The U.S. government needs to focus on those areas of the United States where our critical infrastructures are most vulnerable (e.g. New York City, Los Angeles, Washington D.C. etc.). The federal government also needs to look at the protection of our nations water ways. Information security systems need to be deployed to guard the locks on the Mississippi and St. Lawrence seaways (Bruce Don David Mussington). By employing an information security system it will enable the monitoring of vessels and ships while in locks or approaching locks (Don Mussington). To provide another level of security, river marshals could be deployed to accompany dangerous shipments through the locks (Don Mussington). Many people dont realize that a large majority of our nations goods are transported through inland waterways, which is why it is important that more attention be paid to the transportation sector.
Friday, January 17, 2020
A Game of Thrones Chapter Fifty-seven
Sansa The walls of the throne room had been stripped bare, the hunting tapestries that King Robert loved taken down and stacked in the corner in an untidy heap. Ser Mandon Moore went to take his place under the throne beside two of his fellows of the Kingsguard. Sansa hovered by the door, for once unguarded. The queen had given her freedom of the castle as a reward for being good, yet even so, she was escorted everywhere she went. â€Å"Honor guards for my daughter-to-be,†the queen called them, but they did not make Sansa feel honored. â€Å"Freedom of the castle†meant that she could go wherever she chose within the Red Keep so long as she promised not to go beyond the walls, a promise Sansa had been more than willing to give. She couldn't have gone beyond the walls anyway. The gates were watched day and night by Janos Slynt's gold cloaks, and Lannister house guards were always about as well. Besides, even if she could leave the castle, where would she go? It was enough that she could walk in the yard, pick flowers in Myrcella's garden, and visit the sept to pray for her father. Sometimes she prayed in the godswood as well, since the Starks kept the old gods. This was the first court session of Joffrey's reign, so Sansa looked about nervously. A line of Lannister house guards stood beneath the western windows, a line of gold-cloaked City Watchmen beneath the east. Of smallfolk and commoners, she saw no sign, but under the gallery a cluster of lords great and small milled restlessly. There were no more than twenty, where a hundred had been accustomed to wait upon King Robert. Sansa slipped in among them, murmuring greetings as she worked her way toward the front. She recognized black-skinned Jalabhar Xho, gloomy Ser Aron Santagar, the Redwyne twins Horror and Slobber . . . only none of them seemed to recognize her. Or if they did, they shied away as if she had the grey plague. Sickly Lord Gyles covered his face at her approach and feigned a fit of coughing, and when funny drunken Ser Dontos started to hail her, Ser Balon Swann whispered in his ear and he turned away. And so many others were missing. Where had the rest of them gone? Sansa wondered. Vainly, she searched for friendly faces. Not one of them would meet her eyes. It was as if she had become a ghost, dead before her time. Grand Maester Pycelle was seated alone at the council table, seemingly asleep, his hands clasped together atop his beard. She saw Lord Varys hurry into the hall, his feet making no sound. A moment later Lord Baelish entered through the tall doors in the rear, smiling. He chatted amiably with Ser Balon and Ser Dontos as he made his way to the front. Butterflies fluttered nervously in Sansa's stomach. I shouldn't be afraid, she told herself. I have nothing to be afraid of, it will all come out well, Joff loves me and the queen does too, she said so. A herald's voice rang out. â€Å"All hail His Grace, Joffrey of the Houses Baratheon and Lannister, the First of his Name, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, and Lord of the Seven Kingdoms. All hail his lady mother, Cersei of House Lannister, Queen Regent, Light of the West, and Protector of the Realm.†Ser Barristan Selmy, resplendent in white plate, led them in. Ser Arys Oakheart escorted the queen, while Ser Boros Blount walked beside Joffrey, so six of the Kingsguard were now in the hall, all the White Swords save Jaime Lannister alone. Her princeâ€â€no, her king now!â€â€took the steps of the Iron Throne two at a time, while his mother was seated with the council. Joff wore plush black velvets slashed with crimson, a shimmering cloth-of-gold cape with a high collar, and on his head a golden crown crusted with rubies and black diamonds. When Joffrey turned to look out over the hall, his eye caught Sansa's. He smiled, seated himself, and spoke. â€Å"It is a king's duty to punish the disloyal and reward those who are true. Grand Maester Pycelle, I command you to read my decrees.†Pycelle pushed himself to his feet. He was clad in a magnificent robe of thick red velvet, with an ermine collar and shiny gold fastenings. From a drooping sleeve, heavy with gilded scrollwork, he drew a parchment, unrolled it, and began to read a long list of names, commanding each in the name of king and council to present themselves and swear their fealty to Joffrey. Failing that, they would be adjudged traitors, their lands and titles forfeit to the throne. The names he read made Sansa hold her breath. Lord Stannis Baratheon, his lady wife, his daughter. Lord Renly Baratheon. Both Lord Royces and their sons. Ser Loras Tyrell. Lord Mace Tyrell, his brothers, uncles, sons. The red priest, Thoros of Myr. Lord Beric Dondarrion. Lady Lysa Arryn and her son, the little Lord Robert. Lord Hoster Tully, his brother Ser Brynden, his son Ser Edmure. Lord Jason Mallister. Lord Bryce Caron of the Marches. Lord Tytos Blackwood. Lord Walder Frey and his heir Ser Stevron. Lord Karyl Vance. Lord Jonos Bracken. Lady Sheila Whent. Doran Martell, Prince of Dorne, and all his sons. So many, she thought as Pycelle read on and on, it will take a whole flock of ravens to send out these commands. And at the end, near last, came the names Sansa had been dreading. Lady Catelyn Stark. Robb Stark. Brandon Stark, Rickon Stark, Arya Stark. Sansa stifled a gasp. Arya. They wanted Arya to present herself and swear an oath . . . it must mean her sister had fled on the galley, she must be safe at Winterfell by now . . . Grand Maester Pycelle rolled up the list, tucked it up his left sleeve, and pulled another parchment from his right. He cleared his throat and resumed. â€Å"In the place of the traitor Eddard Stark, it is the wish of His Grace that Tywin Lannister, Lord of Casterly Rock and Warden of the West, take up the office of Hand of the King, to speak with his voice, lead his armies against his enemies, and carry out his royal will. So the king has decreed. The small council consents. â€Å"In the place of the traitor Stannis Baratheon, it is the wish of His Grace that his lady mother, the Queen Regent Cersei Lannister, who has ever been his staunchest support, be seated upon his small council, that she may help him rule wisely and with justice. So the king has decreed. The small council consents.†Sansa heard a soft murmuring from the lords around her, but it was quickly stilled. Pycelle continued. â€Å"It is also the wish of His Grace that his loyal servant, Janos Slynt, Commander of the City Watch of King's Landing, be at once raised to the rank of lord and granted the ancient seat of Harrenhal with all its attendant lands and incomes, and that his sons and grandsons shall hold these honors after him until the end of time. It is moreover his command that Lord Slynt be seated immediately upon his small council, to assist in the governance of the realm. So the king has decreed. The small council consents.†Sansa glimpsed motion from the corner of her eye as Janos Slynt made his entrance. This time the muttering was louder and angrier. Proud lords whose houses went back thousands of years made way reluctantly for the balding, frog-faced commoner as he marched past. Golden scales had been sewn onto the black velvet of his doublet and rang together softly with each step. His cloak was checked black-and-gold satin. Two ugly boys who must have been his sons went before him, struggling with the weight of a heavy metal shield as tall as they were. For his sigil he had taken a bloody spear, gold on a night-black field. The sight of it raised goose prickles up and down Sansa's arms. As Lord Slynt took his place, Grand Maester Pycelle resumed. â€Å"Lastly, in these times of treason and turmoil, with our beloved Robert so lately dead, it is the view of the council that the life and safety of King Joffrey is of paramount importance . . . †He looked to the queen. Cersei stood. â€Å"Ser Barristan Selmy, stand forth.†Ser Barristan had been standing at the foot of the Iron Throne, as still as any statue, but now he went to one knee and bowed his head. â€Å"Your Grace, I am yours to command.†â€Å"Rise, Ser Barristan,†Cersei Lannister said. â€Å"You may remove your helm.†â€Å"My lady?†Standing, the old knight took off his high white helm, though he did not seem to understand why. â€Å"You have served the realm long and faithfully, good ser, and every man and woman in the Seven Kingdoms owes you thanks. Yet now I fear your service is at an end. It is the wish of king and council that you lay down your heavy burden.†â€Å"My . . . burden? I fear I . . . I do not . . . â€Å" The new-made lord, Janos Slynt, spoke up, his voice heavy and blunt. â€Å"Her Grace is trying to tell you that you are relieved as Lord Commander of the Kingsguard.†The tall, white-haired knight seemed to shrink as he stood there, scarcely breathing. â€Å"Your Grace,†he said at last. â€Å"The Kingsguard is a Sworn Brotherhood. Our vows are taken for life. Only death may relieve the Lord Commander of his sacred trust.†â€Å"Whose death, Ser Barristan?†The queen's voice was soft as silk, but her words carried the whole length of the hall. â€Å"Yours, or your king's?†â€Å"You let my father die,†Joffrey said accusingly from atop the Iron Throne. â€Å"You're too old to protect anybody.†Sansa watched as the knight peered up at his new king. She had never seen him look his years before, yet now he did. â€Å"Your Grace,†he said. â€Å"I was chosen for the White Swords in my twenty-third year. It was all I had ever dreamed, from the moment I first took sword in hand. I gave up all claim to my ancestral keep. The girl I was to wed married my cousin in my place, I had no need of land or sons, my life would be lived for the realm. Ser Gerold Hightower himself heard my vows . . . to ward the king with all my strength . . . to give my blood for his . . . I fought beside the White Bull and Prince Lewyn of Dorne . . . beside Ser Arthur Dayne, the Sword of the Morning. Before I served your father, I helped shield King Aerys, and his father Jaehaerys before him . . . three kings . . . â€Å" â€Å"And all of them dead,†Littlefinger pointed out. â€Å"Your time is done,†Cersei Lannister announced. â€Å"Joffrey requires men around him who are young and strong. The council has determined that Ser Jaime Lannister will take your place as the Lord Commander of Sworn Brothers of the White Swords.†â€Å"The Kingslayer,†Ser Barristan said, his voice hard with contempt. â€Å"The false knight who profaned his blade with the blood of the king he had sworn to defend.†â€Å"Have a care for your words, ser,†the queen warned. â€Å"You are speaking of our beloved brother, your king's own blood.†Lord Varys spoke, gentler than the others. â€Å"We are not unmindful of your service, good ser. Lord Tywin Lannister has generously agreed to grant you a handsome tract of land north of Lannisport, beside the sea, with gold and men sufficient to build you a stout keep, and servants to see to your every need.†Ser Barristan looked up sharply. â€Å"A hall to die in, and men to bury me. I thank you, my lords . . . but I spit upon your pity.†He reached up and undid the clasps that held his cloak in place, and the heavy white garment slithered from his shoulders to fall in a heap on the floor. His helmet dropped with a clang. â€Å"I am a knight,†he told them. He opened the silver fastenings of his breastplate and let that fall as well. â€Å"I shall die a knight.†â€Å"A naked knight, it would seem,†quipped Littlefinger. They all laughed then, Joffrey on his throne, and the lords standing attendance, Janos Slynt and Queen Cersei and Sandor Clegane and even the other men of the Kingsguard, the five who had been his brothers until a moment ago. Surely that must have hurt the most, Sansa thought. Her heart went out to the gallant old man as he stood shamed and red-faced, too angry to speak. Finally he drew his sword. Sansa heard someone gasp. Ser Boros and Ser Meryn moved forward to confront him, but Ser Barristan froze them in place with a look that dripped contempt. â€Å"Have no fear, sers, your king is safe . . . no thanks to you. Even now, I could cut through the five of you as easy as a dagger cuts cheese. If you would serve under the Kingslayer, not a one of you is fit to wear the white.†He flung his sword at the foot of the Iron Throne. â€Å"Here, boy. Melt it down and add it to the others, if you like. It will do you more good than the swords in the hands of these five. Perhaps Lord Stannis will chance to sit on it when he takes your throne.†He took the long way out, his steps ringing loud against the floor and echoing off the bare stone walls. Lords and ladies parted to let him pass. Not until the pages had closed the great oak-and-bronze doors behind him did Sansa hear sounds again: soft voices, uneasy stirrings, the shuffle of papers from the council table. â€Å"He called me boy,†Joffrey said peevishly, sounding younger than his years. â€Å"He talked about my uncle Stannis too.†â€Å"Idle talk,†said Varys the eunuch. â€Å"Without meaning . . . â€Å" â€Å"He could be making plots with my uncles. I want him seized and questioned.†No one moved. Joffrey raised his voice. â€Å"I said, I want him seized!†Janos Slynt rose from the council table. â€Å"My gold cloaks will see to it, Your Grace.†â€Å"Good,†said King Joffrey. Lord Janos strode from the hall, his ugly sons double-stepping to keep up as they lugged the great metal shield with the arms of House Slynt. â€Å"Your Grace,†Littlefinger reminded the king. â€Å"If we might resume, the seven are now six. We find ourselves in need of a new sword for your Kingsguard.†Joffrey smiled. â€Å"Tell them, Mother.†â€Å"The king and council have determined that no man in the Seven Kingdoms is more fit to guard and protect His Grace than his sworn shield, Sandor Clegane.†â€Å"How do you like that, dog?†King Joffrey asked. The Hound's scarred face was hard to read. He took a long moment to consider. â€Å"Why not? I have no lands nor wife to forsake, and who'd care if I did?†The burned side of his mouth twisted. â€Å"But I warn you, I'll say no knight's vows.†â€Å"The Sworn Brothers of the Kingsguard have always been knights,†Ser Boros said firmly. â€Å"Until now,†the Hound said in his deep rasp, and Ser Boros fell silent. When the king's herald moved forward, Sansa realized the moment was almost at hand. She smoothed down the cloth of her skirt nervously. She was dressed in mourning, as a sign of respect for the dead king, but she had taken special care to make herself beautiful. Her gown was the ivory silk that the queen had given her, the one Arya had ruined, but she'd had them dye it black and you couldn't see the stain at all. She had fretted over her jewelry for hours and finally decided upon the elegant simplicity of a plain silver chain. The herald's voice boomed out. â€Å"If any man in this hall has other matters to set before His Grace, let him speak now or go forth and hold his silence.†Sansa quailed. Now, she told herself, I must do it now. Gods give me courage. She took one step, then another. Lords and knights stepped aside silently to let her pass, and she felt the weight of their eyes on her. I must be as strong as my lady mother. â€Å"Your Grace,†she called out in a soft, tremulous voice. The height of the Iron Throne gave Joffrey a better vantage point than anyone else in the hall. He was the first to see her. â€Å"Come forward, my lady,†he called out, smiling. His smile emboldened her, made her feel beautiful and strong. He does love me, he does. Sansa lifted her head and walked toward him, not too slow and not too fast. She must not let them see how nervous she was. â€Å"The Lady Sansa, of House Stark,†the herald cried. She stopped under the throne, at the spot where Ser Barristan's white cloak lay puddled on the floor beside his helm and breastplate. â€Å"Do you have some business for king and council, Sansa?†the queen asked from the council table. â€Å"I do.†She knelt on the cloak, so as not to spoil her gown, and looked up at her prince on his fearsome black throne. â€Å"As it please Your Grace, I ask mercy for my father, Lord Eddard Stark, who was the Hand of the King.†She had practiced the words a hundred times. The queen sighed. â€Å"Sansa, you disappoint me. What did I tell you about traitor's blood?†â€Å"Your father has committed grave and terrible crimes, my lady,†Grand Maester Pycelle intoned. â€Å"Ah, poor sad thing,†sighed Varys. â€Å"She is only a babe, my lords, she does not know what she asks.†Sansa had eyes only for Joffrey. He must listen to me, he must, she thought. The king shifted on his seat, â€Å"Let her speak,†he commanded. â€Å"I want to hear what she says.†â€Å"Thank you, Your Grace.†Sansa smiled, a shy secret smile, just for him. He was listening. She knew he would. â€Å"Treason is a noxious weed,†Pycelle declared solemnly. â€Å"It must be torn up, root and stem and seed, lest new traitors sprout from every roadside.†â€Å"Do you deny your father's crime?†Lord Baelish asked. â€Å"No, my lords.†Sansa knew better than that. â€Å"I know he must be punished. All I ask is mercy. I know my lord father must regret what he did. He was King Robert's friend and he loved him, you all know he loved him. He never wanted to be Hand until the king asked him. They must have lied to him. Lord Renly or Lord Stannis or . . . or somebody, they must have lied, otherwise . . . â€Å" King Joffrey leaned forward, hands grasping the arms of the throne. Broken sword points fanned out between his fingers. â€Å"He said I wasn't the king. Why did he say that?†â€Å"His leg was broken,†Sansa replied eagerly. â€Å"It hurt ever so much, Maester Pycelle was giving him milk of the poppy, and they say that milk of the poppy fills your head with clouds. Otherwise he would never have said it.†Varys said, â€Å"A child's faith . . . such sweet innocence . . . and yet, they say wisdom oft comes from the mouths of babes.†â€Å"Treason is treason,†Pycelle replied at once. Joffrey rocked restlessly on the throne. â€Å"Mother?†Cersei Lannister considered Sansa thoughtfully. â€Å"If Lord Eddard were to confess his crime,†she said at last, â€Å"we would know he had repented his folly.†Joffrey pushed himself to his feet. Please, Sansa thought, please, please, be the king I know you are, good and kind and noble, please. â€Å"Do you have any more to say?†he asked her. â€Å"Only . . . that as you love me, you do me this kindness, my prince,†Sansa said. King Joffrey looked her up and down. â€Å"Your sweet words have moved me,†he said gallantly, nodding, as if to say all would be well. â€Å"I shall do as you ask . . . but first your father has to confess. He has to confess and say that I'm the king, or there will be no mercy for him.†â€Å"He will,†Sansa said, heart soaring. â€Å"Oh, I know he will.â€
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