Tuesday, December 24, 2019
1984 Manipulation Essay - 980 Words
George Orwell, the author of the classic novel 1984, presents scheming and manipulation as the norm in the State of Oceania. Modern day dystopia can be represented in religion as some worship things such as money over their God. Also, smartphones have become an obsession in modern day society. According to Tim Elmore, author of the article Nomophobia: A Rising Trend in Students, approximately 66% of people sleep with their phone in their bed which shows how attached individuals are to their electronics. Money and electronics have a become cultural obsession and have been deeply integrated into the psyche of society. Unfortunately, all forms of social media place high expectations on people regarding media competency monetary accumulation.†¦show more content†¦(Orwell, 199). Winston eventually went mad, confessing the psychological abuse was more severe than the physical he experienced while in the prison. He began begging for mercy, and went as far to ask others to be put in his place to relieve him from the torture that seemed to occur â€Å"hour after hour†(Orwell, 199). This is proof the dignified man that was introduced in the beginning of 1984 was lost to the Party’s power and manipulation and completely stripped of his ethics. Independent psychological thoughts was an ever present concept located throughout the progression of Orwells novel, 1984. Big Brother is a character that endorses psychological control by creating a list of rules and regulations that the citizens of Oceania are expected to follow without any objection. Thought Police are created in order to enforce Oceanias new laws and to search endlessly for citizens who are planning to objectify Big Brother’s laws. Thought police instill fear throughout Oceania’s civilians, preventing anyone from saying or thinking anything negative about the party, paroles, or the laws that they enforced. Winston, the protagonist of the novel, states, Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death. (Orwell, 27). This sheds light on to be abundance of control Big Brother has, and how in turn this creates a toxic society by depriving citizens from creative, original thought and action. Orwell painted OceaniaShow MoreRelated1984 Psychological Manipulation Essay1568 Words  | 7 Pagesclassic novel 1984. The author, George Orwell provides his audience with an abundant amount of themes throughout his writing. One very prominent one is Orwell’s psychological manipulation of his characters. As characters within this society are constantly surrounded by sayings such as, â€Å"WAR IS PEACE†, â€Å"FREEDOM IS SLAVERY†, and â€Å"IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH†(Orwell 4), Orwell shows the ultimate type of control within his characters. Orwell is able to achieve such psychological manipulation in his charactersRead More Psychological Manipulation in 1984 Essay1914 Words  | 8 Pages Nineteen Eighty-Four, by George Orwell, is a superb novel with outstanding themes. One of the most prominent themes found in this novel is psychological manipulation. Citizens in this society are subject to ever present signs declaring â€Å"BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOUà ¢â‚¬ (Orwell 1). Along with psychological manipulation, physical control takes place. The Party not only controls what people in Oceania think, but what they do as well. Technology is another important theme. Without the constant telescreensRead MoreThe Power of Language 1984 Comparison Essay1525 Words  | 7 Pagesworks, 1984 and Politics and The English Language, it is clear that Orwell is using his writing to bring awareness to the dangers of the manipulation, misuse, and decline of language. In 1984 he demonstrates how language can be used to control thought and manipulate the past. This is proven throughout the novel by examining the language of Newspeak and how it is key to controlling the totalitarian state, and how using language to alter and manipulate history can shape reality. In his essay PoliticsRead MoreWhat ´s Psychological Manipulation?814 Words  | 3 Pages Psychological Manipulation Essay Psychological manipulation can affect the lives of many by manipulating their emotions. Finding a way to psychologically manipulate a persons emotions or their thoughts could be a long and tedious process, and can only be mastered by few people. For these people who try to manipulate the behaviors of people will stop at nothing and fight hard to attain their goals. Although these people will stop at nothing to achieve their goal, finding a way to psychologicallyRead MoreGeorge Orwell s The And Animal Farm1749 Words  | 7 PagesThe consequences of totalitarian government are almost always detrimental to the whole of a society; manipulation of the common people to make them idolize a leader is just one of the many negative aspects of this type of government. While the greater part of a community may be phased by such manipulation, there will undoubtedly be a scarce amount, yet an amount nonetheless, of individuals who see right through it. The brave individuals have the mindset to stop at nothing to make a change in theirRead MoreThe Prince Machiavelli Analysis1490 Words  | 6 PagesIn The Prince, Machiavelli discerns that good acts of cruelties â€Å"are carried out in a single stroke, done out of necessity to protect oneself, and are not continued but are instead converted into the greatest benefits for the subjects†(Chapter VII, 1984). These three principles of rapid, necessary, and discontinuous cruelty ensure that the Prince does not abuse his power and entice hatred. Here, Machiavelli’s political philosophy advocates for the Prince to walk a thin line between overt kindnessRead MoreGeneral Commentary of 1984 by George Orwell1514 Words  | 7 PagesGeneral Commentary of 1984 by George Orwell George Orwells dystopian (a fictional place where people lead dehumanized and fearful lives) vision of the year 1984, as depicted in what many consider to be his greatest novel, has entered the collective consciousness of the English-speaking world more completely than perhaps any other political text, whether fiction or nonfiction. 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Dystopia has been shown in many types of governments throughout the years of 1948 to 2014. Hitler for example showed a dystopian type of government where hatred towards jews and propaganda played a big role in his government. The book named 1984 written by George Orwell, has a historical perspective. Orwell published the bookRead More A Comparison of George Orwells Totalitarian World of 1984 and America in 2004763 Words  | 4 PagesWorld of 1984 is America in 2004 Orwells allegorical critique of Stalinism in 1984 is often used in capitalist nations as a poignant literary attack on Communism and other collectivist economic and political systems. The argument often follows the lines of This is socialism, and as you can see, it doesnt work and just leads to oppression. Were in a nice capitalist democracy, therefore we are better off. But is that conclusion the truth? Orwell didnt just intend 1984 as an
Monday, December 16, 2019
The Lost Duke of Wyndham Chapter Sixteen Free Essays
string(29) " at time spent out of doors\." Jack did not sleep well that night, which left him irritable and out of sorts, so he dispensed with breakfast, where he was sure to run into persons with whom he might be expected to converse, and instead went directly outside for his now customary morning ride. It was one of the finest things about horses – they never expected conversation. He had no idea what he was meant to say to Grace once he saw her again. We will write a custom essay sample on The Lost Duke of Wyndham Chapter Sixteen or any similar topic only for you Order Now Lovely kissing you. Wish we’d done more. It was the truth, even if he’d been the one to cut them off. He’d been aching for her all night. He might have to marry this one. Jack stopped cold. Where had that come from? From your conscience, a niggling little voice – probably his conscience – told him. Damn. He really needed to get a better night’s sleep. His conscience was never this loud. But could he? Marry her? It was certainly the only way he’d ever be able to bed her. Grace was not the sort of woman one dallied with. It wasn’t a question of her birth, although that certainly was a factor. It was just†¦ her. The way she was. Her uncommon dignity, her quiet and sly humor. Marriage. What a curious notion. It wasn’t that he’d been avoiding it. It was just that he’d never considered it. He was rarely in one place for long enough to form a lasting attachment. And his income was, by nature of his profession, sporadic. He wouldn’t have dreamed of asking a woman to make a life with a highwayman. Except he wasn’t a highwayman. Not any longer. The dowager had seen to that. â€Å"Lovely Lucy,†Jack murmured, patting his gelding on the neck before dismounting at the stables. He supposed he ought to give the poor thing a man’s name. They’d been together for so long, though. It’d be hard to make the change. â€Å"My longest lasting attachment,†Jack murmured to himself as he walked back to the house. â€Å"Now that’s pathetic.†Lucy was a prince, as far as horses went, but still, he was a horse. What did he have to offer Grace? He looked up at Belgrave, looming over him like a stone monster, and almost laughed. A dukedom, possibly. Good Lord, but he didn’t want the thing. It was too much. And what if he wasn’t the duke? He knew that he was, of course. His parents had been married; he was quite certain of that. But what if there was no proof? What if there had been a church fire? Or a flood? Or mice? Didn’t mice nibble at paper? What if a mouse – no, what if an entire legion of mice had chewed through the vicarage register? It could happen. But what did he have to offer her if he was not the duke? Nothing. Nothing at all. A horse named Lucy, and a grandmother who, he was growing increasingly convinced, was the spawn of Satan. He had no skills to speak of – it was difficult to imagine parlaying his talents at highway thievery into any sort of honest employment. And he would not go back into the army. Even if it was respectable, it would take him away from his wife, and wasn’t that the entire point? He supposed that Wyndham would pension him off with some cozy little rural property, as far away from Belgrave as possible. He would take it, of course; he’d never been one for misplaced pride. But what did he know about cozy little rural properties? He’d grown up in one but never bothered to pay attention to how it was run. He knew how to muck out a stall and flirt with the maids, but he was quite certain there was more to it than that, if one wanted to make a decent go of it. And then there was Belgrave, still looming over him, still blotting out the sun. Good Lord, if he did not think he could properly manage a small rural property, what the devil would he do with this? Not to mention the dozen or so other holdings in the Wyndham portfolio. The dowager had listed them one night at supper. He couldn’t begin to imagine the paperwork he’d be required to review. Mounds of contracts, and ledgers, and proposals, and letters – his brain hurt just thinking of it. And yet, if he did not take the dukedom, if he somehow found a way to stop it all before it engulfed him – what would he have to offer Grace? His stomach was protesting his skipped breakfast, so he made haste up the steps to the castle’s entrance and went inside. The hall was quite busy, with servants moving through, carrying out their myriad tasks, and his entrance went mostly unnoticed, which he did not mind. He pulled off his gloves and was rubbing his hands together to warm them back up when he glimpsed Grace at the other end of the hall. He did not think she’d seen him, and he started to go to her, but as he passed one of the drawing rooms, he heard an odd collection of voices and could not contain his curiosity. Pausing, he peeked in. â€Å"Lady Amelia,†he said with surprise. She was standing rather stiffly, her hands clasped tightly in front of her. He could not blame her. He was sure he’d feel tense and pinched if he were engaged to marry Wyndham. He entered the room to greet her. â€Å"I did not realize you had graced us with your lovely presence.†It was then that he noticed Wyndham. He couldn’t not, really. The duke was emitting a rather macabre sound. Almost like laughter. Standing next to him was an older gentleman of middling height and paunch. He looked every inch the aristocrat, but his complexion was tanned and wind-worn, hinting at time spent out of doors. You read "The Lost Duke of Wyndham Chapter Sixteen" in category "Essay examples" Lady Amelia coughed and swallowed, looking rather queasy. â€Å"Er, Father,†she said to the older man, â€Å"may I present Mr. Audley? He is a houseguest at Belgrave. I made his acquaintance the other day when I was here visiting Grace.†â€Å"Where is Grace?†Wyndham said. Something about his tone struck Jack as off, but nonetheless he said, â€Å"Just down the hall, actually. I was walking – â€Å" â€Å"I’m sure you were,†Wyndham snapped, not even looking at him. Then, to Lord Crowland: â€Å"Right. You wished to know my intentions.†Intentions? Jack stepped farther into the room. This could be nothing but interesting. â€Å"This might not be the best time,†Lady Amelia said. â€Å"No,†said Wyndham, his manner uncharacteristically grand. â€Å"This might be our only time.†While Jack was deciding what to make of that, Grace arrived. â€Å"You wished to see me, your grace?†For a moment Wyndham was nonplussed. â€Å"Was I that loud?†Graced motioned back toward the hall. â€Å"The footman heard you†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Ah yes, footmen abounded at Belgrave. It did make one wonder why the dowager thought she might actually be able to keep the journey to Ireland a secret. But if Wyndham minded, he did not show it. â€Å"Do come in, Miss Eversleigh,†he said, sweeping his arm in welcome. â€Å"You might as well have a seat at this farce.†Jack began to feel uneasy. He did not know his newfound cousin well, nor did he wish to, but this was not his customary behavior. Wyndham was too dramatic, too grand. He was a man pushed to the edge and teetering badly. Jack recognized the signs. He had been there himself. Should he intercede? He could make some sort of inane comment to pierce the tension. It might help, and it would certainly affirm what Wyndham already thought of him – rootless joker, not to be taken seriously. Jack decided to hold his tongue. He watched as Grace entered the room, taking a spot near the window. He was able to catch her eye, but only briefly. She looked just as puzzled as he, and a good deal more concerned. â€Å"I demand to know what is going on,†Lord Crowland said. â€Å"Of course,†Wyndham said. â€Å"How rude of me. Where are my manners?†Jack looked over at Grace. She had her hand over her mouth. â€Å"We’ve had quite an exciting week at Belgrave,†Wyndham continued. â€Å"Quite beyond my wildest imaginings.†â€Å"Your meaning?†Lord Crowland said curtly. â€Å"Ah, yes. You probably should know – this man, right here†– Thomas flicked a wrist toward Jack – â€Å"is my cousin. He might even be the duke.†He looked at Lord Crowland and shrugged. â€Å"We’re not sure.†Silence. And then: â€Å"Oh dear God.†Jack looked sharply over to Lady Amelia. She’d gone white. He could not imagine what she must be thinking. â€Å"The trip to Ireland†¦Ã¢â‚¬ her father was saying. â€Å"Is to determine his legitimacy,†Wyndham confirmed. And then, with a morbidly jolly expression, he continued, â€Å"It’s going to be quite a party. Even my grandmother is going.†Jack fought to keep the shock off his face, then looked over at Grace. She, too, was staring at the duke in horror. Lord Crowland’s countenance, on the other hand, was nothing but grim. â€Å"We will join you,†he said. Lady Amelia lurched forward. â€Å"Father?†Her father didn’t even turn around. â€Å"Stay out of this, Amelia.†â€Å"But – â€Å" â€Å"I assure you,†Wyndham cut in, â€Å"we will make our determinations with all possible haste and report back to you immediately.†â€Å"My daughter’s future hangs in the balance,†Crowland returned hotly. â€Å"I will be there to examine the papers.†Wyndham’s expression grew lethal, and his voice dangerously low. â€Å"Do you think we try to deceive you?†â€Å"I only look out for my daughter’s rights.†â€Å"Father, please.†Amelia had come up to Crowland and placed her hand on his sleeve. â€Å"Please, just a moment.†â€Å"I said stay out of this!†her father yelled, and he shook her from his arm with enough force to cause her to stumble. Jack stepped forward to aid her, but Wyndham was there before he could blink. â€Å"Apologize to your daughter,†Wyndham said. Crowland sputtered in confusion. â€Å"What the devil are you talking about?†â€Å"Apologize to her!†Wyndham roared. â€Å"Your grace,†Amelia said, trying to insinuate herself between the two men. â€Å"Please, do not judge my father too harshly. These are exceptional circumstances.†â€Å"No one knows that more clearly than I.†But Wyndham wasn’t looking at her as he said it, nor did he remove his eyes from her father’s face when he added, â€Å"Apologize to Amelia or I will have you removed from the estate.†And for the first time, Jack admired him. He had already realized that he respected him, but that was not the same thing. Wyndham was a bore, in his humble opinion, but everything he did, every last decision and action – they were for others. It was all for Wyndham – the heritage, not the person. It was impossible not to respect such a man. But this was different. The duke wasn’t standing up for his people, he was standing up for one person. It was a far more difficult thing to do. And yet, looking at Wyndham now, he would say that it had come as naturally as breathing. â€Å"I’m sorry,†Lord Crowland finally said, looking as if he was not quite certain what had just happened. â€Å"Amelia, you know I – â€Å" â€Å"I know,†she said, cutting him off. And then finally Jack found himself at center stage. â€Å"Who is this man?†Lord Crowland asked, thrusting an arm in his direction. Jack turned to Wyndham and quirked a brow, allowing him to answer. â€Å"He is the son of my father’s elder brother,†Wyndham told Lord Crowland. â€Å"Charles?†Amelia asked. â€Å"John.†Lord Crowland nodded, still directing his questions to Wyndham. â€Å"Are you certain of this?†Thomas only shrugged. â€Å"You may look at the portrait yourself.†â€Å"But his name – â€Å" â€Å"Was Cavendish at birth,†Jack cut in. If he was going to be the subject of the discussion, he would bloody well be given a place in it. â€Å"I went by Cavendish-Audley at school. You may check the records, should you wish.†â€Å"Here?†Crowland asked. â€Å"In Enniskillen. I only came to England after serving in the army.†â€Å"I am satisfied that he is a blood relation,†Wyndham said quietly. â€Å"All that remains is to determine whether he is also one by law.†Jack looked to him in surprise. It was the first time he had publicly acknowledged him aloud as a relative. The earl did not comment. Not directly, at least. He just muttered, â€Å"This is a disaster,†and walked over to the window. And said nothing. Nor did anyone else. And then, in a voice low and furious, came the earl’s comment. â€Å"I signed the contract in good faith,†he said, still staring out over the lawn. â€Å"Twenty years ago, I signed the contract.†Still no one spoke. Abruptly, he turned around. â€Å"Do you understand?†he demanded, glaring at Wyndham. â€Å"Your father came to me with his plans, and I agreed to them, believing you to be the rightful heir to the dukedom. She was to be a duchess. A duchess! Do you think I would have signed away my daughter had I known you were nothing but†¦but†¦Ã¢â‚¬ But one such as me, Jack wanted to say. But for once it did not seem the time or the place for a light, sly quip. And then Wyndham – Thomas, Jack suddenly decided he wished to call him – stared the earl down and said, â€Å"You may call me Mr. Cavendish, if you so desire. If you think it might help you to accustom yourself to the idea.†It was exactly what Jack would have wanted to say. If he’d been in Thomas’s shoes. If he’d thought of it. But the earl was not cowed by the sarcastic rebuke. He glared at Thomas, practically shaking as he hissed, â€Å"I will not allow my daughter to be cheated. If you do not prove to be the right and lawful Duke of Wyndham, you may consider the betrothal null and void.†â€Å"As you wish,†Thomas said curtly. He made no argument, no indication that he might wish to fight for his betrothed. Jack looked over at Lady Amelia, then looked away. There were some things, some emotions, a gentleman could not watch. But when he turned back, he found himself face-to-face with the earl. Her father. And the man’s finger was pointed at his chest. â€Å"If that is the case,†he said, â€Å"if you are the Duke of Wyndham, then you will marry her.†It took a great deal to render Jack Audley speechless. This, however, had done it. When he regained his voice, after a rather unattractive choking sound he assumed had come from his throat, he managed the following: â€Å"Oh. No.†â€Å"Oh, you will,†Crowland warned him. â€Å"You will marry her if I have to march you to the altar with my blunderbuss at your back.†â€Å"Father,†Lady Amelia cried out, â€Å"you cannot do this.†Crowland ignored his daughter completely. â€Å"My daughter is betrothed to the Duke of Wyndham, and the Duke of Wyndham she will marry.†â€Å"I am not the Duke of Wyndham,†Jack said, recovering some of his composure. â€Å"Not yet. Perhaps not ever. But I will be present when the truth comes out. And I will make sure she marries the right man.†Jack took his measure. Lord Crowland was not a feeble man, and although he did not exude quite the same haughty power as Wyndham, he clearly knew his worth and his place in society. He would not allow his daughter to be wronged. Jack respected that. If he had a daughter, he supposed he’d do the same. But not, he hoped, at the expense of an innocent man. He looked at Grace. Just for a moment. Fleeting, but he caught the expression in her eyes, the subdued horror at the unfolding scene. He would not give her up. Not for any bloody title, and certainly not to honor someone else’s betrothal contract. â€Å"This is madness,†Jack said, looking around the room, unable to believe that he was the only one speaking in his defense. â€Å"I do not even know her.†â€Å"That is hardly a concern,†Crowland said gruffly. â€Å"You are mad,†Jack exclaimed. â€Å"I am not going to marry her.†He looked quickly at Amelia, then wished he hadn’t. â€Å"My pardons, my lady,†he practically mumbled. â€Å"It is not personal.†Her head jerked a bit, fast and pained. It wasn’t a yes, or a no, but more of a stricken acknowledgment, the sort of motion one made when it was all one was capable of. It ripped Jack straight through his gut. No, he told himself. This is not your responsibility. You do not have to make it right. And all around him, no one said a word in his defense. Grace, he understood, since it was not her position to do so, but by God, what about Wyndham? Didn’t he care that Crowland was trying to give his fiancee away? But the duke just stood there, still as a stone, his eyes burning with something Jack could not identify. â€Å"I did not agree to this,†Jack said. â€Å"I signed no contract.†Surely that had to mean something. â€Å"Neither did he,†Crowland responded, with a shrug in Wyndham’s direction. â€Å"His father did it.†â€Å"In his name,†Jack fairly yelled. â€Å"That is where you are wrong, Mr. Audley. It did not specify his name at all. My daughter, Amelia Honoria Rose, was to marry the seventh Duke of Wyndham.†â€Å"Really?†This, finally, from Thomas. â€Å"Have you not looked at the papers?†Jack demanded. â€Å"No,†Thomas said simply. â€Å"I never saw the need.†â€Å"Good God,†Jack swore, â€Å"I have fallen in with a band of bloody idiots.†No one contradicted him, he noticed. He looked desperately to Grace, who had to be the one sane member of humanity left in the building. But she would not meet his eyes. That was enough. He had to put an end to this. He stood straight and looked hard into Lord Crowland’s face. â€Å"Sir,†he said, â€Å"I will not marry your daughter.†â€Å"Oh, you will.†But this was not said by Crowland. It was Thomas, stalking across the room, his eyes burning with barely contained rage. He did not stop until they were nearly nose-to-nose. â€Å"What did you say?†Jack asked, certain he’d heard incorrectly. From all he had seen, which, admittedly, wasn’t much, Thomas rather liked his little fiancee. â€Å"This woman,†Thomas said, motioning back to Amelia, â€Å"has spent her entire life preparing to be the Duchess of Wyndham. I will not permit you to leave her life in shambles.†Around them the room went utterly still. Except for Amelia, who looked ready to crumble. â€Å"Do you understand me?†And Jack†¦Well, he was Jack, and so he simply lifted his brows, and he didn’t quite smirk, but he was quite certain that his smile clearly lacked sincerity. He looked Thomas in the eye. â€Å"No.†Thomas said nothing. â€Å"No, I don’t understand.†Jack shrugged. â€Å"Sorry.†Thomas looked at him. And then: â€Å"I believe I will kill you.†Lady Amelia let out a shriek and leapt forward, grabbing onto Thomas seconds before he could attack Jack. â€Å"You may steal my life away,†Thomas growled, just barely allowing her to subdue him. â€Å"You may steal my very name, but by God you will not steal hers.†â€Å"She has a name,†Jack said. â€Å"It’s Willoughby. And for the love of God, she’s the daughter of an earl. She’ll find someone else.†â€Å"If you are the Duke of Wyndham,†Thomas said furiously, â€Å"you will honor your commitments.†â€Å"If I’m the Duke of Wyndham, then you can’t tell me what to do.†â€Å"Amelia,†Thomas said with deadly calm, â€Å"release my arm.†If anything, she pulled him back. â€Å"I don’t think that’s a good idea.†Lord Crowland chose that moment to step between them. â€Å"Er, gentlemen, this is all hypothetical at this point. Perhaps we should wait until – â€Å" And then Jack saw his escape. â€Å"I wouldn’t be the seventh duke, anyway,†he said. â€Å"I beg your pardon?†Crowland said, as if Jack were some irritant and not the man he was attempting to bludgeon into marrying his daughter. â€Å"I wouldn’t.†Jack thought furiously, trying to put together all the details of the family history he’d learned in the past few days. He looked at Thomas. â€Å"Would I? Because your father was the sixth duke. Except he wasn’t. Would he have been? If I was?†â€Å"What the devil are you talking about?†Crowland demanded. But Jack saw that Thomas understood his point precisely. And indeed, he said, â€Å"Your father died before his own father. If your parents were married, then you would have inherited upon the fifth duke’s death, eliminating my father – and myself – from the succession entirely.†â€Å"Which makes me number six,†Jack said quietly. â€Å"Indeed.†â€Å"Then I am not bound to honor the contract,†Jack declared. â€Å"No court in the land would hold me to it. I doubt they’d do so even if I were the seventh duke.†â€Å"It is not to a legal court you must appeal,†Thomas said, â€Å"but to the court of your own moral responsibility.†â€Å"I did not ask for this,†Jack said. â€Å"Neither,†Thomas said softly, â€Å"did I.†Jack said nothing. His voice felt like it was trapped in his chest, pounding and rumbling and squeezing out the air. The room was growing hot, and his cravat felt tight, and in that moment, as his life was flipping and spiraling out of his control, he knew only one thing for certain. He had to get out. He looked over for Grace, but she’d moved. She was standing now by Amelia, holding her hand. He would not give her up. He could not. For the first time in his life he’d found someone who filled all the empty spaces in his heart. He did not know who he would be, once they went to Ireland and found whatever it was they all thought they were looking for. But whoever he was – duke, highwayman, soldier, rogue – he wanted her by his side. He loved her. He loved her. There were a million reasons he did not deserve her, but he loved her. And he was a selfish bastard, but he was going to marry her. He’d find a way. No matter who he was or what he owned. Maybe he was engaged to Amelia. He probably wasn’t smart enough to understand the legalities of it all – certainly not without the contract in hand and someone to translate the legalspeak for him. He would marry Grace. He would. But first he had to go to Ireland. He couldn’t marry Grace until he knew what he was, but more than that – he could not marry her until he’d atoned for his sins. And that could only be done in Ireland. How to cite The Lost Duke of Wyndham Chapter Sixteen, Essay examples
Sunday, December 8, 2019
National Security Capacity Individual State-Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The National Security Capacity Individual State? Answer: Introduction The explanation is about the international efforts done to control the infectious diseases with the function of globalization and transformation in the international commerce. The contemporary global health is understood with exploring the health organizations and regulations which dedicate to stem the tide of infectious epidemics. [1]The review is based on claiming the conquest with the infectious diseases that are set according to the World Health Organization. Through the framing approaches, the control is over the new emerging and the re-emerging infectious diseases in terms of the globalization and transformation with human migration. The assertions are based on illustrating the travel and trading which includes how the microorganisms and the other infectious diseases have harbored with them. As per the United Nation Department of Economic and Social Affairs has estimated that there are more than one billion migrants recorded in the year 2010 that were living outside their count ry. [2] With the international health endeavors, there is propelling by the technological developments and the new modes set for the transportation and for the railroad steamship lines. The focus is on handling the articulation and the demonstration of the germ theory where the organizational structures with the contemporary public health administration are granted today with encountering the formation of national health agencies. Discussion The concept of national security can be defined as the capacity of the state that addresses the ability to deal with the protection as well as defense of the people. The definition of security is limited to be the part of national security and international security on the contrary have evolved over a period and it extended from the need that nature and many other similar functions specifically globalization. [3]There is a need that no kind of national security can deal on its own and as such it also calls for the cooperation at state level. The international level of interconnection as well as interdependence among the state that the world has thought and constantly experienced because of the end of cold war, has make it important for the state to constantly contribute more and work at one place. The challenge is that the area of international security must consist with the overall concept of security which can be defined by a situation where security concerns are closely connected. [4] It is connected to a point where the security of the state and their needs cannot be considered on realistic level without focusing on the security needs of the other states. The overall fear as well as threat of security based complex is based on rivalry among states. The solution for this kind of rivalry lies in cooperating which can only be found on global agenda of security based initiatives. As per the UN office for coordination of Humanitarian Affairs also called as OCHA, security on human level has taken a wide dimension since they usually go beyond any military protection and get engaged in number of threats for human dignity.[5] As such it also has become crucial for the state to take some conscious level of efforts for building a strong link with other countries and intentionally engage in international level of security based initiatives. [6] Infectious Diseases The global health has been able to receive an important attention for the international relations. There is a growth in the public awareness with the re-emerging infectious diseases that are affecting the population in the world. With this, there is a major focus on the prominence of HIV/AIDS which continue to spread and devastate the communities. The diseases like the tuberculosis and malaria are increasing and so 2002/2003 SARS Pandemic has provided the visible vulnerability to the communities with the rapid movement of the people and the goods. The explanation is about the increased prevalence with broad understanding of the connections mainly in between the globalization and health. The lifestyle focusses on the changing trends that have directly affected the public health and the health systems. [7]The development is through properly understanding the non-medical/health sciences which are acquainted with the mechanism of transmission. The change in the biospheres is to accelerat e with the emergence of pathogens and then they alter the infectiousness and lethality of the micro-organisms. The causal chain has been described with the Health of Nations where the climatic conditions alter the range and prevalence of the different infections. The concept of Pandemics is based on disease outbreaks that can be widespread as an outcome of the spread of infection at human level. It also goes beyond the weakening which can be fatal sometimes, the results for those can directly affect and in addition, pandemics also have a range of negativity on social, economic and political results. [8]This further tends to be big situation when pandemic become a crucial part of pathogen and has high rate of mortality and hospitalization and can also spread easily. The outbreaks of the infectious diseases or the increase rate of the lifestyle disease are controlled through the collective action and the political priorities. The globalization has been undoubtedly handle and address the international or the global level issues. Here, the global action on malaria is documented through the exemplary standards where in 1970, there has been a wide-spread of the malaria and the other water borne diseases. [9]The closure of the public health programs is mainly to deal with the ongoing conditions of malaria with the eradication programs that are reversed or eliminated. The discovery is about handling the comprehensive applications of the antibiotics and chemotherapy treatments in the higher income countries. This leads to the perception that the disease is under control with the political declination. Insurgency like terrorism With the infectious disease world view, in 9/11, bioterrorism, SARS and H5N1 Avin Influenzas are some of the contexts and the major security threats. The event of 9/11 on New York and Washington had a major impact where the anthrax has been mainly pushing along with process of securitization of the emerging infectious diseases by blurring the distinctions mainly between the naturally occurring infectious diseases or the deliberate act of bioterrorism. The placing is with the response with the security framework, which is then set for the US Secretary of Navy, with notification after the anthrax attacks through the new union of the public health. The concern is about the reflections at the global level, where the anthrax attacks clearly demonstrated about the security features that have been raised mainly due to the bioterrorists events. SARS epidemics are set to manage and cripple the dynamic cities in the world with loss in the global economic output. In historical times, there were number of infectious diseases that have been most crucial part of human mortality and morbidity. There are cases of migration and on one hand it has been a blessing with free movement of products, money and labor between the nations. On the contrary it can be taken as a curse which is in disguise with rise level vulnerabilities toward some of the bad and life-threatening diseases. The quick spread of these many infectious diseases like HIV, Ebola, SARS and many more have been constantly creating terror in the present international population.[10] There is presence of international level of realization of the level or heights of devastation for human health and wellbeing for so many infectious diseases that can also bring some worry. SAR has a real impact with the sensitizing the world for the future infectious disease threats with demonstrating the dangers that people had. The next threat has been about the capturing of global attention with H5N1 avian influenza virus which needs t o be taken seriously.[11] The virus tends to outbreak where it did not attract much attention out of the world of the animal health till May. H5N1virus has a major infection on the human and cause diseases. The infectious diseases and the flu experts tend to express the greater certainty about the dangers which are posed by H5N1 virus. Here, the major influence is through the US Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention (CDC), Julie Gerberding, who warned the world with impact of the influenza pandemic that is caused by H5N1 virus. The terrorist attacks by the organizations like Al-Qaeda have a major impact on the activities with the surrounding biological terrorism. There are issues related to the terrorists activities with the collection of intelligence on the state program. The terror groups are the defectors who have a daunting task than collecting intelligence on the state program. The offers for the six policy prescriptions are for reducing the dangers which are posed by the biological weapons with the increased transparency and oversight of civilian and biological activities. [12] The Interpol is one of the worlds biggest biological threats where the recognition is not mainly on the criminal threat but also on the potential dangers to the different countries, regions and the people in the world. Interpol in CBRNE Terrorism Prevention Program includes the chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and the explosives, in 2010. It combats the relevant threats with the development of the analysis of intelligence and evaluation of the risks and threats in collaboration to the law enforcement agencies and experts. The assessment is based on the data gathering from the different open sources in the media. The government is slowly becoming more and more aware about the overall threat that is widely infectious disease that can be a threat for the health of people and for the countrys economic and stability on political level. As an outcome, there are multiple responses to the diseases based on diverse threats initiated to appear in national strategies for security. [1 3]As per the securitization theory, an issue can be taken as an important as well as existential threat to a given base of referent object like state, community or the economic system. It is also anticipated that this kind of framing also produces the needed level of policies that are responding to national level of protection. [14]Scrutiny of number of infectious diseases, has contributed in setting the priority based reforms internal to country as well as at global platform such as declaring a disease like AIDS as international threat by UN in 2000. Similarly, in the year 2014, the UN Security Council has taken number of resolution which states that there are many as well as unprecedented level of outbreak in disease like Ebola in countries like Africa consist it as a threat to global peace as well as security and it further lead to the formation of mission by UN by forming Ebola Emergency Response. There are number of other cases which include communities like Organization of Afr ican Unity also called OAU and government came together against HIV. The other trouble development is the terrorist groups in the networks or the virtual networks. [15] It focuses on the law enforcement detection and working over the international terrorists organization who tend to form loose affiliations that operate based on the national boundaries and the systems. The identification, penetration is mainly through the success of the U.S. operations in Afghanistan against Taliban which induced the Al-Qaeda operatives to strengthen their ties with robust groups. Economic Standards This includes the trading and the moving of the people, with cross border business that has enabled the faster pace with planes where the people are able to take weeks in countries and maritime navigation. With the increased poverty and the strong correlations between the poverty and the poor health, there is a major question about the following of the effects on the economic globalization. [16]It is important to focus on the different mainstream views about how the health is prioritized with the references based on the global politics and the economy. The check is mainly on the references and how the widening of the gap is set between the wealthy and the poor people. The unequal access to the different resources is mainly for the good health. The example is related to the adjustments with the fundamental social changes. There is a need to introduce the aid community factory with the structural adjustments and the liberalization methods without any consideration for the social impact s. The elaboration of the neutral description of WTO policies include the different views and how the inherent tension is between the trade and the health interests. The evidence is mainly to support the critical viewpoints and the dominance behind the trade liberalization. [17]The links are related to the dominance of neo-liberal trading policies which include the adjustments of the programs and the intellectual properties. The facilitation with the rapid translational movements of the goods, services and capital is based on the policies which has a diversified impact on the capacity which adheres to the comprehensive health practices. The powerful control is to understand the internal financial institutions with encouraging the development of the countries to undertake the drastic cuts with the public-sector spending, including health as well. Here, the health and the state has a major effect on the capacity where the negative effects of the epidemics is considered the major focus for the Health of Nations. One need to seek for the potential risks which are by the poor health functioning of the states. This directly affect the economic productivity with the reduced growth rate of gross domestic products. [18]The cuts are depending upon the government expenditure on the social programs with shrinking labor pools. The quantitative analysis is selected with leading effects of the cyclical negative effects that tend to reduce the state capacity to govern. There are different approaches which work on the growth and the power to handle the expansion of the public interests. [19]The basic requirements are also based on the facts where the political science focus on the effects of the population health. The economic conditions have led to the increase in the health inequalities and how the health impacts the different indicators of the state capacity. The contribution in the Globalization and Health fits in the approach which begins with the ethical governance stand ards. It also includes the role of actors and demonstration of the ethics of the cosmopolitan democracy provided under the normative underpinnings. The standards are set with the Pandemics which include the risks to the economic growth and stability. The intrinsic dynamics of the infectious disease breaks with the behavioral and the policy response that has a major economic impact. The globalization drives the economic growth with facilitation to the spread of contagion where the rate of emergence of the new infectious disease appears to be increasing. [20]With this, there is an increased population with the wildlife interaction and increased livestock production that has a zoonotic transmission. From the economic risks perspectives, there are investments in the smaller fraction to what is spent to prevent the financial crises. Example, the latest regulations are for the total loss absorbing capacity which will cost the estimated amount of $17 billion per year for making the big ban ks safer. Conclusion Initially, connected health policy commitment with security can raise the level of priority provided with an issue and provide outcomes. There are some other areas as well of international governance that can further boast the same level of dedication as well as compliance and there are some that still based on core national abilities as well as structures that are concerned for the same. [21] Secondly there is health security that cannot be taken as a distorted policy by drawing proper attention far away from the crises of health that impact the worlds population at many levels. In fact, there is rise in international and national level of interest in saving the pandemic and results has assisted to raise the objectives of universal level of health care and overall coverage. It is further has been recognized widely that is effective for saving and responding to a specific pandemic needs national health structure that can be accessible as well as equitable. References Abraham, Thomas. "The chronicle of a disease foretold: pandemic H1N1 and the construction of a global health security threat."Political Studies59, no. 4 (2011): 797-812. ASSISTANTS, SENIOR. "EDITORIAL OFFICE: 400 Elliott Hall, Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, OH 43015. TELEPHONE: 740-368-3642. FACSIMILE: 740-368-3643. E-mail: brhistor@ owu. edu Web: https://www. owu. edu/~ brhistor." Comas, Iaki, Mireia Coscolla, Tao Luo, Sonia Borrell, Kathryn E. Holt, Midori Kato-Maeda, Julian Parkhill et al. "Out-of-Africa migration and Neolithic coexpansion of Mycobacterium tuberculosis with modern humans."Nature genetics45, no. 10 (2013): 1176-1182. Curley, Melissa, and Nicholas Thomas. "Human security and public health in Southeast Asia: the SARS outbreak."Australian Journal of International Affairs58, no. 1 (2004): 17-32. Dheda, Keertan, and Giovanni B. Migliori. "The global rise of extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis: is the time to bring back sanatoria now overdue?."The Lancet379, no. 9817 (2012): 773-775. Elbe, Stefan. "Should HIV/AIDS be securitized? The ethical dilemmas of linking HIV/AIDS and security."International Studies Quarterly50, no. 1 (2006): 119-144. Fellner, Fritz. "William H. McNeill, Plagues and Peoples."Institut fr sterreichische Geschichtsforschung, Mitteilungen87 (1979): 495. Franco, Crystal, and Tara Kirk Sell. "Federal agency biodefense funding, FY2012-FY2013."Biosecurity and bioterrorism: biodefense strategy, practice, and science10, no. Huckel Schneider, Carmen. "Global public health and international relations: pressing issuesEvolving governance."Australian Journal of International Affairs62, no. 1 (2008): 94-106. Koblentz, Gregory D.Living weapons: Biological warfare and international security. Cornell University Press, 2009. Martnez, Mara Esther Coronado. "The Mexican Experience of the NAPAPI Revision Process."Contexto Internacional38, no. 1 (2016): 203-239. Morens, David M., Gregory K. Folkers, and Anthony S. Fauci. "Emerging infections: a perpetual challenge."The Lancet infectious diseases8, no. 11 (2008): 710-719. Noble, Ronald K. "Keeping science in the right hands: Policing the new biological frontier."Foreign Aff.92 (2013): 47. Sands, Peter, Carmen Mundaca-Shah, and Victor J. Dzau. "The neglected dimension of global securitya framework for countering infectious-disease crises."New England Journal of Medicine374, no. 13 (2016): 1281-1287. Stern, Alexandra Minna, and Howard Markel. "International efforts to control infectious diseases, 1851 to the present."JAMA292, no. 12 (2004): 1474-1479. Stern, Jessica. "Dreaded risks and the control of biological weapons." (2006). [1] Abraham, Thomas. "The chronicle of a disease foretold: pandemic H1N1 and the construction of a global health security threat."Political Studies59, no. 4 (2011): 797-812. [2] ASSISTANTS, SENIOR. "EDITORIAL OFFICE: 400 Elliott Hall, Ohio Wesleyan University, Delaware, OH 43015. TELEPHONE: 740-368-3642. FACSIMILE: 740-368-3643. E-mail: brhistor@ owu. edu Web: https://www. owu. edu/~ brhistor." [3] Comas, Iaki, Mireia Coscolla, Tao Luo, Sonia Borrell, Kathryn E. Holt, Midori Kato-Maeda, Julian Parkhill et al. "Out-of-Africa migration and Neolithic coexpansion of Mycobacterium tuberculosis with modern humans."Nature genetics45, no. 10 (2013): 1176-1182. [4] Morens, David M., Gregory K. Folkers, and Anthony S. Fauci. "Emerging infections: a perpetual challenge."The Lancet infectious diseases8, no. 11 (2008): 710-719. [6] Morens, David M., Gregory K. Folkers, and Anthony S. Fauci. "Emerging infections: a perpetual challenge."The Lancet infectious diseases8, no. 11 (2008): 710-719. [7] Martnez, Mara Esther Coronado. "The Mexican Experience of the NAPAPI Revision Process."Contexto Internacional38, no. 1 (2016): 203-239. [8] Fellner, Fritz. "William H. McNeill, Plagues and Peoples."Institut fr sterreichische Geschichtsforschung, Mitteilungen87 (1979): 495. [9] Koblentz, Gregory D.Living weapons: Biological warfare and international security. Cornell University Press, 2009. [10] Noble, Ronald K. "Keeping science in the right hands: Policing the new biological frontier."Foreign Aff.92 (2013): 47. [11] Stern, Alexandra Minna, and Howard Markel. "International efforts to control infectious diseases, 1851 to the present."JAMA292, no. 12 (2004): 1474-1479. [12] Sands, Peter, Carmen Mundaca-Shah, and Victor J. Dzau. "The neglected dimension of global securitya framework for countering infectious-disease crises."New England Journal of Medicine374, no. 13 (2016): 1281-1287. [13] Curley, Melissa, and Nicholas Thomas. "Human security and public health in Southeast Asia: the SARS outbreak."Australian Journal of International Affairs58, no. 1 (2004): 17-32. [14] Huckel Schneider, Carmen. "Global public health and international relations: pressing issuesEvolving governance."Australian Journal of International Affairs62, no. 1 (2008): 94-106. [15] Franco, Crystal, and Tara Kirk Sell. "Federal agency biodefense funding, FY2012-FY2013."Biosecurity and bioterrorism: biodefense strategy, practice, and science10, no. [16] Elbe, Stefan. "Should HIV/AIDS be securitized? The ethical dilemmas of linking HIV/AIDS and security."International Studies Quarterly50, no. 1 (2006): 119-144. [17] Stern, Jessica. "Dreaded risks and the control of biological weapons." (2006). [18] Elbe, Stefan. "Should HIV/AIDS be securitized? The ethical dilemmas of linking HIV/AIDS and security."International Studies Quarterly50, no. 1 (2006): 119-144. [19] Sands, Peter, Carmen Mundaca-Shah, and Victor J. Dzau. "The neglected dimension of global securitya framework for countering infectious-disease crises."New England Journal of Medicine374, no. 13 (2016): 1281-1287. [20] Koblentz, Gregory D.Living weapons: Biological warfare and international security. Cornell University Press, 2009. [21] Dheda, Keertan, and Giovanni B. Migliori. "The global rise of extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis: is the time to bring back sanatoria now overdue?."The Lancet379, no. 9817 (2012): 773-775.
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