Saturday, November 30, 2019
The Occupation Of Japan Essay Research Paper free essay sample
The Occupation Of Japan Essay, Research Paper The Occupation of Japan The business of Japan was, from start to complete, an American operation. General Douglans MacArthur, exclusive supreme commanding officer of the Allied Power was in charge. The Americans had deficient work forces to do a military authorities of Japan possible ; so t hey decided to move through the bing Nipponese gobernment. General Mac Arthur became, except in name, dictator of Japan. He imposed his will on Japan. Demilitarization was quickly carried out, demobilisation of the former imperial forces was complet erectile dysfunction by early 1946. Japan was extensively fire bomded during the 2nd universe war. The malodor of cloaca gas, decomposing refuse, and the pungent odor of ashes and scorched dust pervaded the air. The Nipponese people had to populate in the moistness, and col vitamin D of the concrete edifices, because they were the lone 1s left. Small remained of the vulnerable wooden frame, tile roof brooding lived in by most Nipponese. We will write a custom essay sample on The Occupation Of Japan Essay Research Paper or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page When the first marks of winter set in, the business forces instantly took over all the s team-heated edifices. The Japanese were out in the cold in the first station war winter fuel was really difficult to happen, a household was considered lucky if they had a little hardly glowing wood coal brasier to huddle around. That following summer in random musca volitanss new ho utilizations were built, each house was standardized at 216 square pess, and needed 2400 board pess of stuff in order to be built. A maestro program for a modernistic metropolis had been drafted, but it was cast aside because of the deficiency of clip before the following winter. The 1000s of people who lived in railway Stationss and public Parkss needed lodging. All the Nipponese heard was democracy from the Americans. All they cared about was nutrient. General MacAruther asked the authorities to direct nutrient, when they refus ed he sent another wire that said, # 8220 ; Send me nutrient, or direct me bullets. # 8221 ; American military personnels were out to eat local nutrient, as to maintain from cutting from cutting into the thin local supply. No nutrient was was brought in expressly for the Nipponese durning the first six months after the American presence at that place. Herbert Hoover, functioning as president of a particular presidential consultative commission, recommended minimal imports to Japan of 870,000 dozenss of nutrient to be distributed in different urban countries. Fi sh, the beginning of so much of the protein in the Nipponese diet, were no longer available in equal measures because the fishing fleet, peculiarly the big vass, had been severely decimated by the war and because the U.S.S.R. closed off the fishing g rounds in the North. The most of import facet of the democratisation policy was the acceptance of a new fundamental law and its encouraging statute law. When the Nipponese authorities proved excessively baffled or excessively loath to come up with a constitutional reform that satisfied MacArthur, he had his ain staff draft a new fundamental law in February 1946. This, with merely minor alterations, was so adopted by the Nipponese authorities in the signifier of an imperial amendment to the 1889 fundamental law and went into consequence on May 3, 1947. The new Constitution was a flawlessness of the British parliamentary signifier of authorities that the Japanese had been traveling toward in the 1920s. Supreme political power was assigned to the Diet. Cabinets were made responsible to the Diet by holding the premier curate elected by the lower house. The House of Peers was replaced by an elected House of Councillors. The judicial system was made as independent of executive intervention as possible, and a f reshly created supreme tribunal was given the power to reexamine the constitutionality of Torahs. Local authoritiess were given greatly increased powers. The Emperor was reduced to being a symbol of the integrity of the state. Nipponese began to see him in individual. He went to infirmaries, schools, mines, industrial workss ; he broke land for public edifices and snipped tape at the gap of Gatess and main roads. He was steered here and at that place, shown things, and kept murmur, # 8220 ; Ah so, ah so. # 8221 ; Peoples started to name him # 8220 ; Ah-so-san. # 8221 ; Suddenly the puybli degree Celsius began to take this shy, ill-at-ease adult male to their Black Marias. They saw in him something of their ain conqured egos, force to make what was foreign to them. In 1948, in a newspaper canvass, Emperior Hirohito was voted the most popular adult male in Japan. Civil Li berties were emphasized, adult females were given full equality with work forces. Article 13 and 19 in the new Constitution, prohibits favoritism in political, economic, and societal dealingss because of race, credo, sex, societal position, or household Origen. This is one of the most explicitly progressive statements on human rights anyplace in jurisprudence. Gerneral Douglas MacArthur emerged as a extremist womens rightist because he was # 8220 ; convinced that the topographic point of adult females in Japan must be brought to a degree consistent with that of adult females in the western democracies. # 8221 ; So the Nipponese adult females got their equal rights amendment long before a conjunct attempt was made to obtain one in America. Compulsory instruction was extened to nine old ages, attempts were made to do instruction more a traning in believing than in rote memory, and the school sys tem above the six simple classs was revised to conform to the American form. This last mechanical alteration produced great confusion and dissatisfaction but became so entrenched that it could non be re vised even after the Americans departed. Japan # 8217 ; s agribusiness was the quickest of national activities to retrieve because of land reform. The Australians came up with the best program. It was footing was this: There were to be no absentee landlards. A individual who really worked the land could have up to 7.5 arcers. Anyone life in a small town near by could maintain 2.5 estates. Larger secret plans of land, transcending these bounds, were bought up by the authorities and sold on easy footings to former renters. Within two old ages 2 million renters became landholders. The American business instantly gained non merely a big constituency, for the new proprietors had a vested involvement in continuing the alteration, but besides a psychological impulse for other alterations they wanted to ini tiate. The American labour policy in Japan had a dual end: to promote the growing of democratic brotherhoods while maintaining them free of Communists. Union organisation was used as a balance to the power of direction. To the surprise of the American authorties, this motion took a unquestionably more extremist bend. In the despairing economic conditions of early postwar Japan, there was small room for successful bargaining over rewards, and many labour brotherhoods alternatively made a command to take over industry and o perate it in their ain behalf. Furthermore big Numberss of workers in Japan were authorities employees, such as railway workers and instructors, whose rewards were set non by direction but by the authorities. Direct political action hence seemed more meani ngful to these people than pay bargaining. The Nipponese brotherhoods called for a general work stoppage on February 1, 1947. MacArthur warned the brotherhood leading that he would non countenace a countrywide work stopp age. The work stoppage leaders yieled to MacArthur # 8217 ; s will. The rhenium after the political entreaty of extremist labour action appeared to decline. The Americans wanted to disband the great Zaibatsu trust as a agency of cut downing Japan # 8217 ; s war-making potency. There were about 15 Zaibatsu households such as # 8211 ; Mitsui, Mitsubishi, Yasuda, and Sumitomo. The Zaibatsu controled the industry of Japan. MacArthur # 8217 ; s liaison work forces pressured the Diet into go throughing the Deconcentration Law in December 1947. In the eyes of most Nipponese this jurisprudence was designed to stultify Nipponese concern and I ndustry everlastingly. The first measure in interrupting up the Zaibatsu was to distribute their ownership out among the people and to forestall the old proprietors from of all time once more exerting control. The stocks of all the cardinal keeping companies were to be sold to the populace. Friends of the old Zaibatsu bought the stock. In the long tally the Zaibatsu were non precisely destroyed, but a few were weakened and others underwent a considerable shuffling. The initial period of the business from 1945 to 1948 was marked by reform, the 2nd stage was one of stabilisation. Greater attending was given to betterment of the economic system. Japan was a heavy disbursal to the United States. The ordered dissolution of the Zaibatsu was slowed down. The brotherhood motion continued to turn, to the ult imate benefit of the worker. Ceaseless force per unit area on employers brought swelling rewards, which meant the steady enlargement of Japan domestic consumer market. This market was a major ground for Japan # 8217 ; s subsequent economic roar. Another roar to the economic system was the Korean War which proved to be a approval in camouflage. Japan became the chief staging country for military action in Korea and went on a war roar economic system with out holding to contend in or pay for a war. The pact of peace with Japan was signed at San Francisco in September 1951 by Japan, the United States, and forty-seven other states. The Soviet Union refused to subscribe it. The pact went into consequence in April 1952, officially ending the United States military business and reconstructing full independency. What is extraordinary in the Occupation and its wake was the insignificance of the unpleasant. For the Japanese, the aristocracy of American ideals and the indispensable benignancy of the American presence assuaged much of the resentment and torment of licking. For the Americans, the joys of advancing peace and democracy triumphed over the attendant fustrations and grudges. Consequently, the Occupation served to put down a significant capital of good will on which both America and Jap an would pull in the old ages in front. Bibliography Christopher, Robert C. The Nipponese Mind. New York: Fawcett Columbine, 1983 La Cerda, John. The Conqueror Comes to Tea. New Brunswick: Roentgen utgers University Press, 1946 Manchester, William. American Caesar. New York: Dell Publishing Company, Inc. , 1978 Perry, John Curtis. Beneath the Eagle # 8217 ; s Wings. New York: Dodd, Mead And Company, 1980 Reischauer, Edwin O. The Japanese. London: Belknap Press, 1977 Seth, Ronald. Milestones in Nipponese History. Philadelphia: Chilton Book Company, 1969 Sheldon, Walt. The Honest Conquerors. New York: The Macmillan Company. , 1965
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Mr. Browning †President of New Core Steel. Business Policy Essay (200 Level Course)
Mr. Browning – President of New Core Steel. Business Policy Essay (200 Level Course) Free Online Research Papers Mr. Browning President of New Core Steel. Business Policy Essay (200 Level Course) Mr. Browning was the president of Sunoco but now works at New Core, which is a Steel Company. His speech focused on strategic planning in a company and he gave six different experiences that he had with it. He made sure that we knew how important it is too always makes share that your vision and strategy are up to date. A good strategy is the foundation to a productive company. In this time and aria you must keep changing and perfecting your strategy in order to out perform the computation. However just having a strategic vision does not guarantied success. Executing your vision in the right way is what makes a successful company. One of his six examples came from when he was working with food packaging. He realized in order for him to do a good job he must understand food packaging better than anyone else. He spent a lot of time doing researching. He knew he was competing with people twice his age. He was determined to come out on top. Another example that he gave was with a company that had come up with a good idea for plastic. They had a team of thirty people and he was doing the marketing and shares. He went out and Saul how people reacted to certain packaging and try to determine a net present values in that company. On another one of his projects he worked with paper cups. They had lost so much money that they hit a point where they did not have much to lose. He went out into the real world so he could fine out what was going on. From this they came up with a good strategic plan and once it was executed it turned the company completely around. I found these three experiences to be the most interesting of the six. He showed us how important it is not only to make sure that you have a plan but to also know how you are going to follow it. I was very surprised on how often a company will change there strategic visions. Research Papers on Mr. Browning - President of New Core Steel. Business Policy Essay (200 Level Course)Analysis of Ebay Expanding into AsiaMoral and Ethical Issues in Hiring New EmployeesMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever ProductThe Project Managment Office SystemNever Been Kicked Out of a Place This NiceIncorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in CapitalTwilight of the UAWRiordan Manufacturing Production PlanResearch Process Part OneBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of Self
Friday, November 22, 2019
9 Tips for Managing Exam Stress
9 Tips for Managing Exam Stress Do you struggle with exam stress? Do you grapple with test-style performance anxiety? It’s all good and perfectly natural for the vast majority of human beings. So relax, and read this 4-minute article full of tips for managing said stress. Enjoy! 1. Come Prepared The more prepared you are the more in-control you’ll feel. You’ll be confident and inspired rather than under slept and on the edge of sheer panic. When you slack off, excessively procrastinate or rely on ineffective study habits test time can be a nightmarish experience! So start studying early, set a study schedule in stone and stick to it, and make sure that come test time you’ve got your ducks in a row. Also, you should find out all the details about the exams. Check out which 15 questions you must ask your professor before finals. 2. Sleep Like 10 Hours! Now, the more prepared you are for the test the easier you’ll sleep the night before. If you didn’t procrastinate then on the day before the test you shouldn’t have a tremendous amount to do other than simply brush up on things you already know and go over them one last time. That’s it. So it should be easy to crash early and get up early. Refreshed, mentally awake and ready to ace it! If you dont feel confident and want to study at night, then at least find out how to study for a test the night before effectively. 3. Get Adequate Micronutrients First of all, don’t skip breakfast on test day. And, eat a healthy breakfast. In fact, if you eat healthy in general your mind is going to work better†¦Eat organics. Eat fresh fruits and veggies. Stay away from over processed, preserved and packaged foods. It’s going to help you stay in shape and seriously, that translates into a sharper mind. 4. Stay Away from Stimulants Don’t drink coffee in the morning of the test. You should have gotten plenty of sleep the night before. Stay away from high sugar/caffeine energy drinks as well because they’ll typically cause you to crash. What if you crash during the test and pass out, drooling on your test? It’s not a good idea to consume this stuff when you need to be on your game. 5. Avoid Perfectionism You can actually take things too seriously and cause yourself to draw a big fat blank during the test! Perfectionism is creepy and it causes heart attacks dude. Yes, A’s are awesome. We all know that, but keep things in perspective please. B’s and C’s get degrees as well. Do your best of course, but don’t have a stroke in the process. 6. Call Mom or Dad In other words, if you’re feeling super-stressed out just call someone that cares about you and have a chat. Let it out! Talk to someone older that’s been through it. Talk to your professor. Talk to someone that understands. Conversation can be a HUGE stress reliever and it gives you a chance to verbalize what you’ve been neck-deep in for a while. 7. Keep Negativity In Check Depression and anxiety are rampant on modern college campuses today. Exercise and proper nutrition are going to work wonders, along with staying away from artificial stimulants. Furthermore, adequate sleep really helps as well. But, at the end of the day your attitude is going to be a pretty big indicator of how you’ll perform on a test. Keep your attitude confident and upbeat and you’ll do things you never imagined you could! 8. Don’t Study Alone Think of taking a big test like going into battle. No one wants to head out into the field of war alone. No one wants to face the hordes all by their lonesome. When you know that you’re taking tests with friends or study partners, it feels like a shared load. Studying in groups is genius. Really, it pays off in more ways than one. You meet people. You feel more relaxed during tests. The studying is typically better quality. The list goes on and on and it can really be a stress reliever. 9. Take Breaks This goes along with obsessive compulsive perfectionism. Don’t take things so seriously that you never disengage and give your psyche a break for a month before the test. If you’ve done your homework regularly, attended class, taken good notes and studied along the way you’ll do fine! Make sure to do other stuff. Go out and see a movie. Play some basketball. Go on a hike. Get your back waxed. Something! Yes, at the end of the day college can be reduced to a number of critical tests that determine whether you get a degree or not. That’s true. But exam stress doesn’t do you a whole lot of good. If you use it like an iron hot cattle prod behind you, propelling you to do the right thing, then that’s great! But if you let the stress consume you it’s only going to brutalize your scores. What do you do to handle exam stress and anxiety and come out on top? Don’t be shy, because you could really help someone in a time of dire need here.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Software Testing Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Software Testing - Research Proposal Example ording to David-at-el (1998), software testing is complicated and expensive and sometimes considered as a more time consuming part of overall system development life cycle. In this scenario the most of testing stages and activities are overlooked to deploy the system on time. Additionally, for cost saving and delivering system on due date system development team eliminates the system testing phase by minimizing few testing phases. However, sometime this action leads to problems in overall software working and handling for instance, the developed system has hidden bugs that appear during the system working and create problems for the system user(s). This type of problems leads toward the system failure or even working malfunction (Banks et al., 1998; Taipale & Smolander, 2006). 6 According to Mihnea & Constantinescu (2008), IT managers and professionals can have different opinions regarding a lot of software development principles, however the majority of them agree on one point that software we deliver has to be correct as well as reliable. In this scenario the successful software development groups have previously recognized that efficient testing is necessary to achieve this goal. In addition, researches have shown that most of software working and operational risks are due to some testing related problems (Mihnea & Constantinescu, 2008; Gelperin & Hetzel, 1988). In this scenario there is a vital need for the effective testing. My research is aimed at offering a group of testing techniques that will effectively manage and handle the software problems. The aim of this research is to offer a comprehensive and effective set of software testing techniques, types and execution framework. 7 Gallagher (2000) stated that testing is not quality assurance. It is examined that effectively tested software that was incompetently designed, poorly conceived as well as unconcernedly programmed will end up a well-tested, bad product. Though, software testing has long been one
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Citrobacter freundii Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Citrobacter freundii - Lab Report Example The plates were placed in an incubator and grown while observing the morphology. A Gram stain was performed on the unknown alongside quality control bacteria. The gram reaction was observed and recorded and specific biochemical tests performed. Given the reaction gave out a gram negative rod, the first test performed was oxidase test. Other tests performed are listed in the table found in the results section. After all the differential tests were performed, the results showed that the identity of unknown microorganism was citrobacter freundii. The results were compared against the class chart showing the classifications of the microorganisms. The determination that the unknown organism was gram negative rod initiated use of TSA slant to inoculate the other tests, Oxidase test, BCP lactose, Indole test, Citrate test, Motility test (Fraser, 76). All the results were well worked out for the the tests except for the citrate test which gave a false negative results. The error was noted given that, for this test, the result was inconsistent with other tests. The test was repeated and was able to give a positive result. In conclusion, the unknown organism was found to be Citrobacter freundii, following a series of eliminations made from the tests. Citrobacter freundii is in the Enterobacteriaceae family and are gram-negative bacilli (Fraser p. 20). It is normally found in sewage and intestinal tract of animals and humans. It can cause disease to its
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Cybercrime technology Essay Example for Free
Cybercrime technology Essay People rationally choose to participate in criminal  acts; in order to  prevent these acts from occurring people need to know that consequences will outweigh the benefits. If people believe that the consequences outweigh the benefits t hen they will  freely choose not to participate in the criminal behavior. On the other hand the positive  school of criminology believes that individuals participate in crime because of forces beyond individual control and relies on the scientific method to prove  it s theories (Cullen Agnew, 2006 ). Individuals should not be held solely responsible for their actions  because not everyone is rational. Outside factors can play an important part in determining one‟s participation in crime. Now that we have exami ned the two most  dominant schools of criminological theory we can examine how two theories, self  control and routine activity, have been applied to the study of cybercrime and cybercrime victimization. Self Control Theory One general crime theory that has been applied to the study of cybercrime is self  control theory. Self  control theory was first proposed by Travis Hirschi and Michael Gottfredson in their 1990 publication A General Theory of Crime . Self  control theory  beli eves that criminal motivation is rampant, but that people act on this motivation only when they possess low self  control  (Cullen Agnew, 2006) . This paper will discuss the  basic elements of self  control theory, as well as research that has provided eviden ce to  support the validity of this theory. Then this section will review empirical studies that have applied self  control theory to the stu dy of cybercrime and cyber victimization and  will dis cuss the benefits of applying this theory to the study of cyberc rime. Cybercrime 28 In their book, A General Theory of Crime , Travis Hirschi and Michael Gottfredson describe the major characteristics that define individuals with and without self control (1990). Individual‟s with low self control are â€Å" impulsive, insensitive, physica l (as opposed to mental), risk  taking, short sighted, and nonverbal, and they will  tend therefore to engage in criminal and analogous acts .†(Hirschi Gottfredson, 1990) People with characteristics of low self  control may be more likely to participate in deviant acts because they want immediate gratification. As compared to individuals who lack self  control, individuals with self  control are able to delay immediate gratification  and are more likely to be vigilant, emotional, verbal, and long  term orientat ed (Hirschi  Gottfredson, 1990). Individuals who possess characteristics of self  control may be better  able to appreciate the consequences of participating in  deviant acts and have the control necessary to delay their gratification. In conclusion, those who lack self  control are more  likely to possess characteristics such as impulsivity a nd short  sightedness, that make crime and its immediate gratification more attractive to them, as compared to those who possess characteristics of high self  control such  as being cautious and long  term  orientated.  This brings up an important question, does an individual‟s level of self  control  develop over time or is someone born with one level of self  control that remains the same throughout his or her lifetime . According to Hirschi and Gottfredson individuals are not born with one certain level of self  control,  rather  they learn self  control most often  through their parents ( Hirschi Gottfredson, 1990 ). An individual does not have only  on e level of self  control, as they grow older they may develop a different level of self  control then when they were younger. However, they do suggest that, â€Å"individual Cybercrime 29 differences may have an impact on the prospects for effective socialization†( Hirschi G ottfredson, 1990 ). For example, individuals with mental health problems may have a higher probability of not being effectively socialized. The authors believed that self  control is learned through life, but especially while you are a child. The authors  al so addressed why some individuals possess characteristics of self  control. They suggest that individuals develop characteristics of self  control as a result of  their upbringing (Hirschi Gottfredson, 1990). While  parents do not intentionally teach  their c hildren to not have self  control, the authors suggest that â€Å" in order to teach the child  self  control, someone must (1) monitor the child‟s behavior; (2) recognize deviant behavior when it occurs; and (3) punish such behaviorall that is required to activat e the  system is affection for or investment in the child .†(Hirschi Gottfredson, 1990) They  suggest that a deficiency in any one of these categories will inadvertently allow the child to develop characteristics of low self  control (Hirschi Gottfredson , 1990).  Characteristics of low self  control can be the result of ineffective parenting. Low self  control makes crime more attractive to individuals who possess learned characteristics such as impulsivity and lack of responsibility. Good parenting is impo rtant in developing  individuals who possess high levels of self  control, however good parenting can only  occur if parents care about their children and are able to monitor, recognize, and effectively punish their children for deviant behavior. Self  control theory has been the subject of many empirical studies, which have  attempted to test the validity of the theory in explaining crime (Pratt Cullen 200 0; Pratt, Turner Piquero 2004; Perrone, Sullivan, Pratt, Margaryan 2004 ; Turner,  Piquero, Pratt 20 05; Reisig Pratt 2011;  Deng Zheng 1998 ) . In 2000, Pratt and
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Death of a Salesman: The Emptiness of the American Dream :: Death of a Salesman
Any way that you state it, an American dream is a never-ending cycle of idealism. In other words, the yearning to be better than the best and to achieve perfect governmental harmony throughout society. Think about it though, if this were a possibility, wouldn’t it have already occurred? The first character seen directly acknowledging the emptiness of the American dream was the overlooked Loman brother, Happy. Happy, although suffering from â€Å"younger-brother syndrome†and lack of fatherly attention, proved to be the only successful family member of all the Lomans. Still, any amount of success would never be enough for him. The American dream would never be enough to make Happy â€Å"happy†. All I can do now is wait for the merchandise manager to die. And suppose I get to be merchandise manager? He’s a good friend of mine, and he just built a terrific estate on Long Island. And he lived there about two months and sold it, and now he’s building another one. He can’t enjoy it once it’s finished. And I know that’s just what I would do. I don’t know what the hell I’m workin’ for. Sometimes I sit in my apartment- all alone. And I think of the rent I’m paying. And it’s crazy. But then, it’s what I always wanted. My own apartment, a car, and plenty of women. And still, goddammit, I’m lonely. It is rather ironic that the American dream that Willy strives for everyday is the very same dream Happy pushes away. Willy believes the key to life and achieving the American dream is being well liked. However, his beliefs were faulty as well as trite, as we all saw when Bernard, who wasn’t very â€Å"well liked,†achieved the American dream. â€Å"Bernard can get the best marks in school, y’understand, but when he gets out in the business world, y’understand, you are going to be five times ahead of him†¦Because the man who makes an appearance in the business world, the man who creates personal interest, is the man who gets ahead. Be liked and you will never want.†(Willy P. 33) This is Willy and one of his more pompous conversations with Biff on regards to Bernard. As usual, Willy’s prediction was far off from the truth. Bernard grew up and got married, had 2 boys, and had his last appearance leaving to go argue a case in front of the Supreme Court.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Family Adaptation on Pregnancy Essay
THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND 1.1 Introduction and Background of the Study Based on latest Census of Population and Housing, which was conducted last May 1 2010, the household population of the Philippines reached 92,097,978. From this number, the total population of City of Muntinlupa, Barangay Tunasan is 51,033. Family works together and how well it can organize itself against potential threats depends its structure (who its members are) and its function (the activities or roles family members carry out). (Crea, Barth, & Chintapalli, 2007). Pregnancy is such a huge change in a woman’s life that is brings about more psychological changes than any other life event besides puberty (Rojas, Wood, & Blakemore, 2007). A woman’s attitude toward a pregnancy depends a great deal on psychological aspects such as the environment in which she was raised, the messages about pregnancy her family communication and others. (Darby, 2007). For many families, the stage at which children leave to establish their own households is the most difficult stage because it appears as like breaking up the family. This stage may represent a loss of self-esteem for parents, who feel themselves being replaced by other people in their children’s live. As well as the feelings of siblings, they feel some jealousy and less able to cope up. To support the statement above, a nurse can serve as an important counselor to such as family. He or she who is planning to have an own family is what they have spent a long time preparing them to do, or that leaving the home is positive, not a negative, step in family growth. Muntinlupa City is composed of 9 Barangays and one of these is, Barangay Tunasan, with an estimated land area of 950 hectares, a population of more or less 75,000 inhabitants residing in the barrio proper and in different Subdivision, Puroks and Sitios. It has 13 Subdivisions and Villages, 7 Puroks and 12 Sitios and 1 Industrial Complex, housing 25 factories and business establishments. With that, the focus of this study is to determine how the families adapt to pregnancy considering that based on a study, the chosen community which is the barrio proper, found out that there are insufficiencies in their Health Center and medical supplies are inadequate. 1.2 Statement of the Problem The study aims to answer the following questions: 1) What is the demographic profile of respondents when grouped according to: a. Gender b. Religion c. Educational attainment 2) What is the type of family adaptation of respondents as to: a. Type of Family b. Family Finances c. Health d. Spiritual Growth e. Emotional Support f. Level of coping g. Stress Management 3) Is there a significant relationship between the demographic profile variables and the concept of family adaptation of the respondents when grouped according to: a. Gender b. Religion c. Educational attainment 1.3 Hypotheses Ho1: there is no significant relationship between gender of the respondents and the concept of family adaptation on pregnancy Ho2: there is no significant relationship between religion of the respondents and the concept of family adaptation on pregnancy Ho3: there is no significant relationship between educational attainment of the respondents and the concept of family adaptation on pregnancy 1.4 Significance of the study Community: In the chosen community, the study will serve as a guide to the family on how to adapt on pregnancy and for the Barangay Health Workers to be able to assist the family and have a deeper understanding to the said program and do appropriate health actions in line with the perceived adaptation on pregnancy. Nursing Students: this study will help students understand on how the family adapts to pregnancy and for them to apply their skills and knowledge, to be able to carry out appropriate interventions utilizing the nursing process. School of Nursing: this study will serve as basis for improvements and enhancement of teaching content for the family Future Researchers: this study will serve as a guide and reference and baseline information to further develop studies. The study can also open in development of the study. Participants: this study will help participants to improve their health promoting behaviors according to the least frequent healthy behavior. Researcher: this study will help the researcher gain knowledge on how to properly make a research paper according to its process. 1.5 Objectives of the study Main purpose: The study is aim towards describing the family adaptation on pregnancy. Specifically, it is aimed to: 1) determine the demographic profile of the respondents 2) determine the type of family adaptation on pregnancy of the respondents 3) determine the significant relationship between the demographic profile variables of the respondents and their adaptation to pregnancy 1.6 Scope Delimitation and Limitations of the Study This study is focus on the adaptation among selected families living in Barangay Tunasan, Arandia Street, Muntinlupa City.  As subjects of this study, complete enumeration was utilized according to the criterion. Family with ages 18 and above living in Barangay Tunasan, Muntinlupa City regardless of their gender and socio-economic status. This study is limited only on assessment of the family adaptation on pregnancy of families of the chosen community. The study does not cover interventions to be given whether the result showed need to improve their adaptation on pregnancy. References:¶ms=request_._barangay_.._id_._2
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Leaders and tempting situations Essay
This book by Ira Chaleff explores and analyzes the role of a follower. Too many a time leadership has been highlighted but this book uniquely shifts its focus to the follower. The author argues that following is often stigmatized, it is often perceived as docility, weakness or the failure to excel. This handbook shows that a courageous follower can be an enormous asset to a leader. It illustrates Chaleff’s confidence in the individual. The book talks about dynamics of interpersonal relationships that can be applied in everyday situations anywhere. It identified five dimensions in which courage can be demonstrated: assuming responsibility, serving, challenging, participating in transformation and, given the worst-case scenario, leaving. What then is a courageous follower? A courageous follower understands that anything can happen in a fast-paced world thus contingency plan is always a necessity. He accepts that he holds a risky position and is able to speak and act the truth not compromising respect for individuals (Chaleff 2003). One who is not afraid to work closely with other followers and one who dares to challenge existing practices but in a constructive and non-confrontational way (Chaleff 2003). The author purports that courage cannot lead to disobedience unless on special circumstances such as the preservation of life and the respect of the law are at stake. These exceptions are deemed important enough to supersede the human tendency to follow orders (Chaleff 2003). Becoming a courageous follower is not achievable overnight. There is no shortcut to being partner to a leader. Courageous following is a two-way street. It takes a lot of openness and perceptiveness. Moreover, it takes passion for the job, initiative, buy-in, loyalty, trust, open mind and communication skills (Chaleff 2003). As relationship based on courage is grown, credibility is build. I would say courageous following should be practiced in our Department. Ours is a highly-charged working environment where preservation of life is the main goal. It is but practical for a follower be he courageous or not to be able to respond – in a timely manner to certain situations that calls for contingency measures. But I believe everyone in the Department understands how risky the positions we hold are. In addition to this, there is always the truth part or the morality issue. It’s not only practical but I would say a necessity for anyone in the Department to espouse truth all the time. This goes for anyone regardless where they are working but ours seem to weigh more in peoples’ perception because we are in law enforcement and we are the law enforcers. We serve and protect the law thus we are assumed to be lawfully and morally upright. This though is a perfect world scenario. Ours is hardly perfect. There are always faulty leaders and tempting situations that would challenge our commitment to truth. This is where being a courageous follower comes into play – speaking and acting the truth, daring to challenge conventions, practice, instructions or rules, always maintaining that certain degree of professionalism and respect for individuals. The points raised in the book are generally applicable in almost all organizations. Being a courageous follower takes a lot of hard work and professionalism. It takes discipline and commitment. The leaving part of being a courageous follower given the worse causes can be impractical in a way. But in the end things will just boil down to one word – integrity. Work Cited Chaleff, Irah, (2003). The Courageous Follower: Standing up to and for our Leaders. Berrett- Koehler Publishers, 2nd Edition
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Economic System of Germany essays
Economic System of Germany essays The Federal Republic of Germanys economy has now flourished despite its harsh times that have been faced throughout the decades. Most people know about Germany from its historic involvement in World War II; its successful campaign to unite East and West with the successful collapse of the Berlin Wall; and its world class development and production of automobiles. Unfortunately, what most people dont know is that Germany continues to fight an uphill battle in keeping its established ranking among the worlds most important economic powers. A historic look back at Germany shows that after its fall in World War II, it needed a massive rebuilding in order regain its status that it once held. Various events took place that helped it re-climb the pedestal ladder. The year 1948 brought a currency reform that was the turning point for economic reform. There was a continuous economic growth each year for Western Germany, but the strict, conservative ways of East Germanys communist rule still slowed true growth in the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). To make matters worse, the whole country experienced a significant drop in its GDP, causing a recession from 1976 through to 1985. There was a growth again for the next eight years before a major down ward spiral began in 1992. Germanys early 90s spiral was attributed to the reunification of the country between 1989 and 1990. Once the two countries formed their one republic, the economy took its major tumble. Economists have figured this to be true because West Germany continued to evolve with industrial and technological breakthroughs and standards, while the communist East Germany adhered to traditional, unproductive ways that in some cases dated back to the 1940s and World War II times. So instead of combining to form an economic powerhouse, the GDP tumbled and caused a massive surge to restructure and work began to regain the decades of reform th...
Monday, November 4, 2019
3 Doors Down The Search For The
3 Doors Down ; The Search For The Better Life Essay, Research Paper 3 DOORS DOWN: THE QUEST FOR THE BETTER LIFE We spend our lives seeking for that something or person that can make full the nothingness and makes life # 8217 ; s tests endurable. The motive for the freshers album from 3 Doors Down trades with this thought of happening # 8220 ; The Better Life. # 8221 ; Tracks 1, 3, and 5, titled # 8220 ; Kryptonite, # 8221 ; # 8220 ; Duck and Run, # 8221 ; and # 8220 ; Be Like That, # 8221 ; utilize the thought of the quest for the better life to explicate the motive contained throughout the album. The three paths discuss three different thoughts of accomplishing the better life ; happen your true love, calculating out how to acquire someplace in this universe, and our desire to walk in person else # 8217 ; s places. # 8220 ; Kryptonite, # 8221 ; the album # 8217 ; s first path, is about a adult male who is seeking to happen person to be at that place for him through midst and thin. It focuses on the thought that in this universe no 1 will stand by your side unless you are # 8220 ; superman. # 8221 ; The wordss discuss a relationship in which he is chew overing whether she # 8217 ; ll be at that place for him even in the tough times: # 8220 ; If I go brainsick so will you still name me Superman? If I # 8217 ; m alive and good, will you be at that place keeping my hand. # 8221 ; He unluckily discovers that though he is altruistic in giving, she will non be the one to stand by his side during the tough times: # 8220 ; You took for granted all the times I neer let you down. # 8221 ; The vocal ends with his realisation that he must go on on his quest to happen that person that will assist him happen his # 8220 ; Better Life. # 8221 ; The 3rd path on the album, # 8220 ; Duck and Run, # 8221 ; embodies the thought that the universe is non a nice topographic point and things are non ever merely and just. The set discusses their thoughts that it is difficult to acquire anyplace in this universe ; the thought that the harder you work, the less you see from it. He says: # 8220 ; All my work and eternal steps neer seem to acquire me really far. Walk a stat mi merely to travel an inch now, even though I # 8217 ; m seeking so bloody difficult, I # 8217 ; m seeking so hard.†This path ends on an optimistic note, saying that he will non allow the universe bring him down: â€Å"And I won’t duck and run, do I’m non built that way.†â€Å"Duck and Run†leaves us with the impression that no affair how difficult life get, you can non give up because Oklahoman or subsequently you will see the benefits of your difficult work. # 8220 ; Be Like That, # 8221 ; the 5th path on the album trades with the manner we all want to hold person else # 8217 ; s life. As the clich? goes, the grass is greener on the other side. The opening poetry of the song trades with one adult male # 8217 ; s dream of one twenty-four hours accomplishing the Hollywood life: # 8220 ; He spends his darks in California, watching the stars on the large screen. Then he lies awake and admirations, why can # 8217 ; t that be me? Cause in his life he # 8217 ; s filled with all these good intentions. # 8221 ; Though he has all these good purposes in his life, it seems nil of all time turns out the manner he wants it to. The 2nd poetry negotiations about a miss who watches people walk by, and wishes that her life could be every bit perfect as theirs appear to be. She wants person that will be at that place by her side: # 8220 ; She spends her yearss up in the North park, watching the people as they pass # 8230 ; all she wants is merely that something to keep onto, that # 8217 ; s all she needs. # 8221 ; # 8220 ; Be Like That # 8221 ; embraces the thought that we all want what person else has, or in most instances what person else merely appears to hold. In analyzing these three paths from # 8220 ; The Better Life, # 8221 ; the first album from 3 Doors Down, we find that the motive of the album is the treatment of the thought that in some signifier or another we are all looking for a better life. Some of us want a better occupation, some wish to happen their true love, and some want merely to be able to walk in person else # 8217 ; s places that we think has achieved the better life. The album leaves you with a rejuvenated spirit and a sense that possibly someday in the close hereafter you will happen that something or person to give you # 8220 ; The Better Life. # 8221 ;
Saturday, November 2, 2019
English writting and reading experience Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
English writting and reading experience - Essay Example Their childish actions left me feeling depressed and mad. The United States is noted for being a globally diverse country and accepting of cultural diversity as it assimilates into their own culture. However, the way I was being treated and what I saw in the actions of my classmates turned out to be the exact opposite of this idealistic dream. I was not treated with respect at all considering that I was a new foreign student at their school. Later on I realized that I was being ridiculed precisely because of that. I was a foreign student who could not express myself in English fluently. I came from another country whose culture and traditions these students did not understand nor obviously respect. My family has always valued the importance of a good education. We have always given emphasis to reading, comprehension, and writing skills in our learning activities due to its importance in our daily lives and interaction with people. As far back as I can remember, I have always been interested in learning about anything and everything that I could see, hear, or feel. During my educational lifetime, I have met many teachers whose influence on my learning abilities have varied from positive to negative. I have had teachers who influenced and encouraged me to learn as much as I could about certain things, and I had teachers whose strictness and unfriendliness caused me to retreat from learning about certain things altogether. I believe a lot of people have the experience of ridicule at some point in their lives by people who could negatively affect their learning process. People judge and stereotype others based upon their education, property, race and looks, making it difficult for them to control their words and deeds. My parents had been ridiculed during their time as well but they learned from those people who judged them or made fun of them. What my father taught me was that a
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